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Conviction of the Spirit ( of God )

Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

Conviction  of  the  Spirit
This phrase appears 52 times in the writings of Ellen G. White
We can see what evidence was given the priests and rulers, and how firmly they resisted the Spirit of God. Those who claim superior wisdom and piety may make most terrible and (to themselves) fatal mistakes if they allow their minds to be molded by another power, and pursue a course in resistance to the Holy Spirit. The Lord Jesus, represented by the Holy Spirit, was in the presence of that assembly, but they did not discern Him. For a moment they had felt the conviction of the Spirit, that Jesus was the Son of God; but they stifled conviction, and became more blind and hardened than before. Even after they had crucified the Saviour, God in His mercy had sent them additional evidence in the works wrought through the apostles. He was giving them another call to repentance, even in the terrible charge brought against them by the apostles, that they had killed the Prince of life.  {TM 73.1}  {1888 1549.3}

From His inexhaustible store of grace, God can endow all who come to Him. Looking upon humanity, fallen and degraded, He declares that the Holy Spirit shall be poured out upon all flesh. Many who have never heard the special truths for this time will feel the conviction of the Spirit as they listen to the message of startling importance. . . .  {Ev 567.2}

While in New York in the winter of 1901, I received light in regard to the work in that great city. Night after night the course that our brethren should pursue passed before me. In Greater New York the message is to go forth as a lamp that burneth. God will raise up laborers for this work, and His angels will go before them. Though our large cities are fast reaching a condition similar to the condition of the world before the Flood, though they are as Sodom for wickedness, yet there are in them many honest souls who, as they listen to the startling truths of the advent message, will feel the conviction of the Spirit. New York is ready to be worked. In that great city the message of truth will be given with the power of God. The Lord calls for workmen. He calls upon those who have gained an experience in the cause to take up and carry forward in His fear the work to be done in New York and in other large cities of America. He calls also for means to be used in this work{CH 487.1} Testimonies, vol. 7, pp. 54, 55. (1902)  {Ev 384.1}
Just after the decisions are made, the forces of the powers of darkness take these minds that have been convicted, and that have resisted the conviction of the Spirit of God. They have a superstition, and Satan works upon those minds until there is an intensity of opposition to the truth and everybody that believes it, and they think they are in God's service, as Christ told us, "Whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service."  {Ev 339.1}
His own brethren witnessed what he had done on this occasion. They had impatiently requested Jesus to make himself known. They had what they had asked in the invitation: "If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." Many felt that his voice was as the voice of one speaking from heaven, and they were ready to exclaim, "Give me the water of life, that I thirst not." Oh, that they had yielded to the conviction of the Spirit, and had come to Christ, not as to a man merely, but as to God himself! Many of the people, when they heard his words, said, "Of a truth this is the prophet." The officers said, "Never man spake like this man." But the multitudes went their way, and did not then acknowledge Christ as the Saviour of the world.  {SSW, September 1, 1895 par. 3}

Conviction  of  the  Spirit  of  God
The message will be carried not so much by argument as by the deep conviction of the Spirit of God. The arguments have been presented. The seed has been sown, and now it will spring up and bear fruit. The publications distributed by missionary workers have exerted their influence, yet many whose minds were impressed have been prevented from fully comprehending the truth or from yielding obedience. Now the rays of light penetrate everywhere, the truth is seen in its clearness, and the honest children of God sever the bands which have held them. Family connections, church relations, are powerless to stay them now. Truth is more precious than all besides. Notwithstanding the agencies combined against the truth, a large number take their stand upon the Lord's side.   Evangelism, page 701.1   Great Cpntroversy. page 612.2

John the Baptist came preaching truth, and by his preaching sinners were convicted and converted. These would go into the kingdom of heaven before the ones who in self-righteousness resisted the solemn warning. The publicans and harlots were ignorant, but these learned men knew the way of truth. Yet they refused to walk in the path which leads to the Paradise of God. The truth that should have been to them a savor of life unto life became a savor of death unto death. Open sinners who loathed themselves had received baptism at the hands of John; but these teachers were hypocrites. Their own stubborn hearts were the obstacle to their receiving the truth. They resisted the conviction of the Spirit of God. They refused obedience to God's commandments.  {COL 277.1}

How can this prayer be answered by one who has wronged his brother, and whose heart is not softened by the grace of Christ so that he will make confession? How can his brethren, who know the facts, still have unshaken confidence in him, while he seems to feel no conviction of the Spirit of God? He is doing a wrong to the whole church, and especially if he occupies a position of responsibility; for he is encouraging others to disregard the word of God, to pass along with sins unconfessed. Many a one will say in heart, if not in words, "There is an elder of the church; he does not make confession of his errors, and yet he remains an honored member of the church. If he does not confess, neither will I. If he feels that it is perfectly safe for him not to show any contrition, I, too, will risk it."  {RH, December 16, 1890 par. 7}
Our camp meetings are one of the most important agencies in our work. At every camp meeting work should be done for the children. Let suitable workers be constantly educating the children. Ask the blessing of the Lord on the seed sown, and the conviction of the Spirit of God will take hold of even the little ones. Through the children many parents will be reached. -- Manuscript 52, 1900.  {Ev 584.2}
How much do we believe from the heart? Draw nigh to God, and God will draw nigh to you. This means to be much with the Lord in prayer. When those who have educated themselves in skepticism and have cherished unbelief, weaving questioning doubts into their experience, are under conviction of the Spirit of God, they see it to be their personal duty to confess their unbelief. They open their hearts to accept the light sent them and throw themselves by faith over the line from sin to righteousness, from doubt to faith. They consecrate themselves unreservedly to God, to follow His light in the place of the sparks of their own kindling. As they maintain their consecration, they will see increased light and the light will continue to grow brighter and brighter unto the perfect day.  {FW 17.1}

under  conviction  of  the  Spirit  of  God
Those who have educated themselves in skepticism and cherished unbelief, weaving questions and doubts into their experience, when under conviction of the Spirit of God they see it to be their personal duty to confess their unbelief and open their hearts to accept of the light sent them, stepping by faith over the line from wrong to right, from doubt to faith, and consecrate themselves unreservedly to God, to follow His light in the place of the sparks of their own kindling. As they maintain their consecration they will see increased light, and the light will continue to grow brighter and brighter unto the perfect day. The unbelief which is cherished in the soul has a bewitching power; the seed which it has been sowing will produce its harvest. But they must continue to dig up every root of unbelief, and these poisonous plants will cease to grow for want of nourishment in word and action, and the soul must have the precious plants of faith and love put in the soil of the heart and cultivated and cherished there.  {1888 670.2}

How much do we believe from the heart? Draw nigh to God, and God will draw nigh to you. This means to be much with the Lord in prayer. When those who have educated themselves in skepticism and have cherished unbelief, weaving questioning doubts into their experience, are under conviction of the Spirit of God, they see it to be their personal duty to confess their unbelief. They open their hearts to accept the light sent them and throw themselves by faith over the line from sin to righteousness, from doubt to faith. They consecrate themselves unreservedly to God, to follow His light in the place of the sparks of their own kindling. As they maintain their consecration, they will see increased light and the light will continue to grow brighter and brighter unto the perfect day.  {1888 823.3}
Related phrase:   Under conviction

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