Phrase - It is the purpose of God to . . .

Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White on the topic of . . .
It is the purpose of God to . . . |
"It is the purpose of God to glorify Himself in His people before the world. He expects those who bear the name of Christ to represent Him in thought, word, and deed. Their thoughts are to be pure and their words noble and uplifting, drawing those around them nearer the Saviour. The religion of Christ is to be interwoven with all that they do and say. Their every business transaction is to be fragrant with the presence of God." - - Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 21. {ChS 26.5} |
"It is the purpose of God to glorify Himself in His people before the world. He longs to make them channels through which He can pour His boundless love and mercy. . . . Let us come up to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the mighty powers of darkness. Satan is working with intensity of purpose to enslave and destroy souls. Let us take a firm stand against him. He who is fully consecrated to the service of God will be made strong for the battle. He will be strengthened with "all might." He who feels his weakness, and wrestles with God as did Jacob, saying, "I will not let thee go, except thou bless me" (Gen. 32:26), will go forth with the fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit. The atmosphere of heaven will surround him. He will go about doing good. His influence will be a positive force in favor of the religion of Christ." {HP 314.3} |
It is the purpose of God to glorify himself in his people before the world. He longs to make them channels through which he can pour his boundless love and mercy. But are we what God would have us?--No, we are not. The members of our churches in every place need to examine themselves closely, and surrender their lives unreservedly to God. They need to grasp the offered gifts of heaven, and live out their love and gratitude. Did they do this, they would regard time as too precious to be spent in faultfinding and criticism. When God's people bring the righteousness of Christ into the daily life, sinners will be converted, and victories over the enemy will be gained. {RH, November 23, 1905 par. 7} |
It is the purpose of God to glorify Himself through His representatives. In this present world and throughout the eternal ages God will reveal what He will do through His believing children. He will display His glory as He acknowledges them before the whole universe of heaven and all created intelligences. The Lord will give us all the exaltation that we deserve.- - Ms 224, 1902. also {18MR 132.1}
It is the purpose of God to remove selfishness from the heart
Through the obedience of his commandments it is the purpose of God to remove from the heart every species of selfishness. He would barricade the soul from all indulgence in perverted appetites, and expel from the heart all rebellion and ingratitude. Can it be possible that any of us should wish that God would abolish his commandments, when it is for our happiness and life to obey them? What blessing or advantage would man gain by doing away with the commandments of God? Were he to abolish the first commandment, the authority of God would not stand as supreme, as the authority of the only true and living God. What advantage would accrue to man should he gain reputation, learning, wealth, and honor, and yet be one who, while receiving benefits from God every hour, ignored God, and did not conform his practical life to the precepts of Jehovah? Knowledge, power, education, reputation, or wealth is not to be permitted to come in between the soul and God. The Lord must hold the first place in our affections; for "God so loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." God gave his Son to the world in order that men might be redeemed from transgression and sin. {ST, September 24, 1894 par. 5} |
It is God's purpose that . . . |
"It is God's puspose that each shall feel himself necessary to others' welfare, and seek to promote their happiness." Christ's Object Lessons, page 339.2 also AG 231.2 |
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