Students in the School of Christ ( 23 )

Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
Students in the School of Christ |
ll who learn the science of salvation must be submissive students in the school of Christ, that the soul-temple may be the abiding place of the Most High. If we would learn of Christ we must be emptied of every proud possession, that He may imprint His image upon the soul. It was because of a close connection with the living God that Daniel received true education, and knowledge, and understanding and wisdom. By abiding in Christ, by doing His will, by simple faith in His word, even the unlearned may have this knowledge. To these humble, trusting ones the Lord Jesus reveals that all knowledge not perverted by the wisdom and sayings of men leads heavenward. {AUCR, July 12, 1899 par. 20} |
Aim to be faithful students in the school of Christ, learning daily to conform your life to the divine Pattern. Set your faces heavenward, and press toward the mark for the prize of your high calling in Christ Jesus. Run the Christian race with patience, and rise superior to every temptation, however grievous it may be, that shall come to you. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God; and if you are desirous of taking the first upward step, you will find His hand stretched out to help you. It remains with you, individually, as to whether you walk in the light of the Sun of Righteousness, or in the darkness of error. The truth of God can be a blessing to you only as you permit its influence to purify and refine your soul. {SD 79.4} |
It is not enough that we believe a portion of truth, we must grasp truth after truth, and by both precept and example we must teach the truth as it is in Jesus. When sorrow comes, we may see the love of Christ in it all, and the fullness of divine love may keep the soul in perfect peace. If we abide in Christ we must ever be searching after truth as for hidden treasures, in order that our apprehensions of truth may be quick and comprehensive. We shall not then be putting on the garments of resistance, and be prepared to be prejudiced against the very things which we need in our time. Christ is continually unfolding old truths in a new light. The only way in which we will be prepared to have a more perfect apprehension of truth, is by keeping the heart tender and subdued by the Spirit of Christ. We cannot afford to cultivate hardness of heart; for if we are students in the school of Christ, we shall be continually growing in knowledge. {ST, October 29, 1894 par. 2} |
It is the wayward heart that has dragged down the faculties of the soul. All who would learn the science of salvation must be submissive students in the school of Christ, that the soul temple may be the abiding place of the Most High. If we would learn of Christ, the soul must be emptied of all its proud possessions, that Christ may imprint His image on the soul.-- Lt 5, 1898. (HC 105.) {1MCP 29.4} |
It is the wayward heart that has dragged down the faculties of the soul. All who would learn the science of salvation must be submissive students in the school of Christ, that the soul temple may be the abiding place of the most High. If we would learn of Christ, the soul must be emptied of all its proud possessions, that Christ may imprint His image on the soul.... {OHC 105.3} |
Christians are to be faithful students in the school of Christ, ever learning more of heaven, more of the words and will of God; more of the truth and how to use faithfully the knowledge that they have gained. {SD 72.3} |
A much greater ingathering could be realized in ----- if the church would come into a right position before God, each seeking to set his own heart and his own house in order. Talk less, and let true inward piety shine forth in good works. Be kind; cultivate love and gentleness. Pray more; read your Bibles more. Be diligent students in the school of Christ. Then the members of the church will not be finding fault with their brethren and sisters; this is Satan's work. { 5T 571.1 } |
In these words the importance of our having a connection with Christ, the source of all wisdom, is presented before us. We must have living faith in him, and trust him implicitly, so that we may reach the heights of wisdom and perfection that God would have us. If we come short of attaining this, we cannot be the light that God designed we should be in the world. Jesus alone can impart to us the light which it is essential for us to have. We should be more diligent students in the school of Christ than we now are. We should study the word of God more earnestly, that we may know the way, the truth, and the life. The best Christians are those who continually grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. {RH, May 7, 1889 par. 2} |
Good habits are of great value to every young person. Self-importance, self-esteem, and boldness are to be deplored in any youth or in any professed follower of Christ; but how much more in one who is handling the most sacred truths ever committed to mortals. When such a one pursues a course out of the desk that is not in accordance with his calling and his pulpit labors, it is an evil that cannot be too strongly condemned. Those who take this course show that they are not Christians; that while they would teach others, they have need that one teach them. They are not students in the school of Christ; they are not wearing his yoke or bearing his burdens. They are an offense to God. {RH, November 4, 1884 par. 7} |
"These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." The Holy Spirit is ever waiting to do its office work upon the human heart. Those who desire to learn can place themselves in close connection with God, and the promise that the Comforter shall teach them all things, and bring all things to their remembrance, whatever Christ had said to his disciples when he was upon the earth, will be fulfilled. But if we disconnect from God, we can be no longer students in the school of Christ. Then we shall feel no special burden for the souls for whom Christ has died. {ST, November 16, 1891 par. 10} |
learners in the school of Christ |
All who become learners in the school of Christ excel both in the quality and the extent of their education. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." [PROV. 9:10.] A knowledge of God and his requirements will open the understanding of the student to realize his responsibilities to God and to the world. To this end he will feel that his talents must be developed in that way which will produce the very best results. This cannot be done unless all the precepts and principles of religion are connected with his school education. In no case should he disconnect God from his studies. In the pursuit of knowledge, he is searching for truth; and all truth comes from God, the source of truth. Students who are virtuous, and are imbued with the Spirit of Christ, will grasp knowledge with all their faculties. Education acquired without Bible religion is disrobed of its true brightness and glory.--" Testimony," No. 28. - {CE 246.1} |
The best students in the School of Christ |
Now these are the lessons that parents must learn, and when you have learned these, you will be the very best students in the school of Christ, and your children will be the very best children. In this way you can teach them to have respect for God and to keep His law, because you will have excellent government over them, and in doing this you are bringing up into society children who will be a blessing to all around them. You are fitting them to be laborers together with God. {CG 255.1} |
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