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Possessed of the Devil

Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

Possessed  of  the  devil

I was shown that it was not the Spirit of the Lord that was inspiring Brother and Sister L, but the same spirit of fanaticism that is ever seeking entrance into the remnant church. Their application of Scripture of their peculiar exercises is Scripture misapplied. The work of declaring persons possessed of the devil, and then praying with them and pretending to cast out the evil spirits, is fanaticism which will bring into disrepute any church which sanctions such work.  {2SM 46.2}

I was shown that it was not the Spirit of the Lord that was inspiring Brother and Sister Mackin, but the same spirit of fanaticism that is ever seeking entrance into the remnant church. Their application of Scripture to their peculiar exercises is Scripture misapplied. The work of declaring persons possessed of the devil, and then praying with them and pretending to cast out the evil spirits, is fanaticism which will bring into disrepute any church which sanctions such work.  {3SM 378.2}

In this age, if those who come under the precious influence of the truth do not become transformed in character, they will, like Judas, go from light to darkness; and how great will be their darkness. God had intrusted to Judas talents of ability, and if he had used these gifts of God in blessing humanity with the rays of light that shone upon him from the Sun of Righteousness, he would have had increased light, and his path would have been as the path of the just, which shineth more and more unto the perfect day. But he was more eager for position, for rank and wealth, than for the glory of God and the good of humanity. He became so narrow in his ideas, so selfish in his plans, that good and holy impressions could not be made upon his heart and mind. Had he as eagerly sought for the spirit of true goodness, mercy, compassion, forbearance, and true courtesy, as he did for power and wealth, he would not have possessed the attributes of Satan, but would have manifested the attributes of the character of Him who daily lived not to please himself, but went about doing good, healing all who were possessed of the devil. Judas had talents of influence, and had he received the Spirit of Christ, he would have been transformed in character so that he could have accomplished the work to which God had called him. God qualifies his disciples for the work which he would have them do, and gives them talents according to their several ability. But in order that they may do the work for which they are called, they are admonished to wait, to watch, to pray, lest Satan shall take advantage of them.  {ST, July 18, 1895 par. 3}

Related Phrase:    Agency of the devil  -  -  Agent of the devil  -  -

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