
Bible Prophecy

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A Study on: The Sure Word of Prophecy |
Jesus Fulfills Old Testament Prophecies |
Old Testament Prophecies fulfilled |
Time Prophecy |
Calculating Time Prophecy |
Day for a year Principle |
The 1843 Chart ( Part 2 -- Part 3 -- Part 4 ) - - presented by Jeff Pippenger |
2520 of Leviticus 26 is not a Time Prophecy |
We will present a prophecy found in the Bible and then provide a list of texts in 'Spirit of Prophecy' writings about this scripture. There will be articles, LINKs, comments and discussions
Old Testament |
Ezekiel 9 |
Daniel 9 "70 weeks" verses 24 - 27 |
Joel 2: 29 - 32 see video moon turns to blood |
New Testament |
Matthew 24 Jesus tells disciples about his return |
Revelation 6: 12 |
Revelation 9: 1 - 12 The Firth Trumpet |
Revelation 9: 13 - 21 The Sixth Trumpet |
Revelation 9: 22 - 25 The 391 Years and 15 day Prophecy Fall of Ottoman Empire in 1840 |
Revelation 12: 1- 17 ( Under construction ) See Video by David Asscherick ( 1 hr ) |
Other websites |
Prophetic TimeLine - IAUA End Time Ministries |
Links and Sermons |
Three Angels Message found in Daniel Chapt 1 - 6 |
Visit our section for Spirit of Prophecy |
Return to Prophecy page |
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