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Grievance Committee meeting - Nov. 17, 2011

Grievance Committee hears
22 issues from one member

No decision yet

Please Pray for resolution and reconciliation
  The power of united prayers

On November 17, 2011 the Greater New York Conference Grievance Committee met to review 22 issues presented by a member of the church for over 20 years. The pastor wanted to arrest him for trespassing when he arrived for a worship service in April 2nd and another member called the police on April 9th and asked them to arrest this member if he entered the church for a worship service.
The Executive Secretary of the conference is chairman of the Grievance Committee, and the President of the conference also attended the seven hour meeting which reviewed 38 pages of material and heard testimony related to the 22 issues, some of them happened six years ago.
Some issues are personal and other issues affect the entire congregation like the last time there was election of church officers was over four years and six months ago, and the last business meeting where reports were presented to the congregation was over 3 years ago. Even though the congregation voted (3 years ago) to have business meetings every six months.
Grievances from only one member was heard on Nov. 17th - there are other members who have presented their issues in 2008 and 2009 which have still not been heard by the conference Grievance Committee.
As of November 24th the Grievance Committee is still considering the information presented and working on a report.
This web page will be updated so that those following this case can check back for new developments.

In a few days there will be a way to post your comment on this page

Please pray for the GNYC Grievance Committee

   There is power in united prayer
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