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Atlantic Union Conference - Sept. 24th update
Union Conference Administrators
prevent investigation into
accusations of their own misconduct

Matter referred to
North American Division 

Please Pray for our church leaders
  The power of united prayers

On Aug. 7th we announced our concern that Don King, President; Carlyle Simmons, Executive Sectrary of the Atlantic Union Conference, have wilfully neglected their duty defined in Working Policy L-60 section 15, and Leon Thomassian, Treasurer has directly refused to do this duty. 
They were required to call a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Greater New York Conference after this committee met on June 16th and failed to investigate accusations of professional misconduct against G. Earl Knight, President of GNYC.  The Union Conference leaders allowed the process to fail again at a second meeting of the local conference on July 24th.  On July 28th the Union Conference Administrators were themselves accused of professional misconduct. This did not encourage them to do their duty and a decision on Sept. 1st  by the Executive Secretary revealed that he intended to prevent an investigation into his own misconduct at the next AUC Executive Committee meeting on Sept. 21st.
On September 5th we published an OPEN LETTER to the members of the Atlantic Union Conference Executive Committee, to make them aware that accucations have been made and the Union leaders still will not do their duty in accordance with Working Policy L-60 section 15.  Fifteen members of the Executive Committee were contacted directly.
     NAD Working Policy L-60 section 15
           -  Integrity of Organizational Officers  -

 In the event the integrity or the moral or professional standing of an executive officer of a division, union, or local conference/mission/field is called into question, the process to be followed to safeguard the integrity of the ministry shall be as set out in the division policies. Should those processes fail and the matters involved be of such a character that the executive committee of the organization served by the officer is unable to resolve the difficulty, the matter shall be referred to the next higher organization. The administration of the higher organization shall call, and its president shall chair, a meeting of the executive committee of the organization served by the officer in question. The officers of the higher organization shall meet with the executive committee of the lower organization in an endeavor to resolve the matter, provided those exercising voting rights shall not exceed ten percent of the membership of the executive committee of the lower organization present . . .
On Sept 21st the accused Union Conference Administrators prevented an investigation of the charges by not putting the matter on the agenda of the Executive Committee which met that day.  Most organizations allow new business to be introduced by a motion and a second from the floor, the practice at the AUC Executive Committee meetings is only business on the agenda can be discussed. Therefore, even the concerned members of the committee who knew about the accusations were unable to bring the matter to the floor for discussion or investigation.

According to NAD Working Policy the process to deal with misconduct by an Executive Officer calls for an investigation and resolution by the Executive Committee. When this process fails, a new process is written into the working policy giving 'emergency' power to the Administrators of the next higher level in the church organization.  Some call it "extraordinatory" authority in that they are given the duty and authority to call a meeting of the same Executive Committee to deal with the matter they failed to deal with.
Click here to read the letter sent to the President of the North American Division referring the matter to him and asking him to do his duty in accordance with this working policy.

Please pray for Dan Jackson, President, G. Alex Bryant, Executive Secretary, and Tom Evans, Treasurer, that the Lord will convict them of their duty to follow their own policy and call a meeting of the Atlantic Union Conference Executive Committee.

If the Holy Spirit impresses you to do more than pray,  you can support the concerned members of the Atlantic Union Conference
   Dan Jackson, President of the North American Division
   or        Don King,  President of Atlantic Union Conference     

E-mail address below

If we want the Lord to bless His church, we need to take a stand for Him.  Especially if you share my position As a concerned Seventh-day Adventist I expect the leaders selected to administer church policy to do their duty or step down so that another person can assume their position who is willing to follow church policy and procedures. This is not a time to hinder the work of the Lord by thinking that your way is better than the Lord's way.
The President of the North American Division has now been asked to follow his own policy, and call a meeting of the Atlantic Union Conference Executive Committee as required by Working Policy L-60 section 15.  
Here are the e-mail addresses for
    Don King             [email protected]

    Dan Jackson       [email protected] 
Please send a copy to   [email protected] and we will keep you informed

Please pray for the North American Division leaders

   There is power in united prayer
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