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Control of the Evil One
Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

Control  of  the  Evil  One

This was the description that God gave of his own character. Jesus came to represent the goodness and mercy and love of the Father, and Satan was filled with enmity toward the Son of God, and strove from his very birth to destroy him. He worked through wicked Herod to accomplish his design, but the Lord preserved the life of the young child Jesus, and thwarted the design of the evil one. Repeatedly the life of Christ was in peril. Many times even after the people had listened to his gracious words, and had seen the manifestation of his power in healing the sick and blessing those around him, they were ready to destroy him. He hated sin with a perfect hatred. It was the pure, spotless life of Jesus that stirred up the hatred of Satan and a profligate nation; for Christ did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth. The Jewish nation was filled with doubt and prejudice, and this led them to hate the Son of God. Because of their unbelief, they were on the enemy's side, under the control of the evil one.  -  {ST, November 18, 1889 par. 7}

The Lord has made provision that our minds may be elevated. Instead of allowing our thoughts to dwell upon small and unimportant matters, the nobler powers of the mind, which are adapted to the contemplation of exalted themes, should be trained for high pursuits. But instead of this, men pervert the higher faculties of the mind, and press them into the service of the earthly and the temporal interests, as if the attainment of the things of earth were of supreme importance. In this way the higher powers have been dwarfed, and have failed to develop so that men might be qualified for the duties of life that devolve upon them; for even in the performance of the obligations relating to this life, they fail to act with integrity, if the nobler powers of the mind are not cultivated. It is Satan's design that these high faculties of the mind should become belittled and sensualized; but it is not God's will that any one should yield the mind to the control of the evil one. He would have his children make progress in intellectual and spiritual pursuits.  {CE 121.3}

The Lord has made provision that the nobler powers of the mind should be trained for high pursuits. But instead of this, men pervert the faculties of the mind and press them into the service of temporal interests, as if the attainment of the things of this earth were of supreme importance. In this way the higher powers are dwarfed and men remain unqualified for the duties of life that devolve upon them. If the nobler powers of the mind are not cultivated, they fail to act with integrity, even in the obligations relating to this life. It is Satan's design that the faculties of the mind shall become belittled and sensualized, but it is not God's will that any should yield the mind to the control of the evil one. In intellectual and in spiritual pursuits, He would have His children make progress. . . .  {CT 237.1}
If anything happens to disturb them, woe be to him who shall go to them to ask a favor; for they will treat him with a denunciatory spirit, wholly unlike the spirit of Christ. When opportunity comes where they might be a blessing in speaking kindly words, in doing kindly deeds, they speak and act in a way that stirs up the worst passions of the human heart, and become agents of Satan in opening doors of temptation to those with whom they are associated. Those who are in connection with them are led to doubt the truth of Christianity. Men in responsible office give decisions in councils when they are in no fit state of mind to think unselfishly; for they have not the spirit of Christ, because something has happened to stir up their feelings, and they have yielded to the control of the evil one.  {RH, July 28, 1891 par. 5}
The action of Saul made manifest what a despot a king may become who has forsaken his God, and has given himself up to the control of the evil one. The explanation of the facts in the case of David and the priest was treated with contempt; the truth only served to infuriate the king, for it took away his excuse for following the dictates of his own evil heart. Saul preferred to believe the words of a wicked man, rather than the words of the servant of God. Thus it has always been and always will be in our world with those who serve the cause of the great adversary. "Justice standeth afar off; for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. . . . And he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey." When we understand how perseveringly Satan works to gain control of the hearts of men, we shall know why men have acted with such Satanic fury and determined hate toward the servants of God in every age.  {ST, September 21, 1888 par. 8}

Related Phrase:     Control of Satan






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