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We can Know . . . ( 34 ) We can know Christ ( )
  Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
We  can  know  .  .  .
Related phrases:   We can know the science of spiritual life ( below )  - -  We can know Christ  (  )
Jesus has made an infinite sacrifice in behalf of the race. He stepped down from the eternal throne, laid aside his robes of royalty, clothed his divinity with humanity, and came to a world all seared and marred by the curse, that the lost race might one day be restored to their glorious Eden home. He has become the representative and surety for the race. He has brought the treasures of heaven within our reach, and it remains for us to say whether or not we will avail ourselves of them. It is only by the light reflected from the cross of Calvary that we can know the value of the human soul, or the depth of degradation from which man was rescued. It was to restore man to the perfection in which he was first created that this great sacrifice was made. With his human arm Jesus encircles the race, while with his divine arm he grasps the throne of the Infinite, thus uniting finite man with the infinite God and connecting earth with heaven. How can we neglect so great salvation? It is natural for man to cling to life. Some live through years of intense suffering, and still desire to have their lives prolonged. But when Jesus offers us life, immortal life in the mansions he has prepared for us, why do we turn from it and devote our time and energy to securing earthly treasures? { RH December 1, 1885, par. 10 }
In the record John was charged by the Holy Spirit to present, he says of Christ, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made.” This is the most precious unfolding of definite truth, flashing its divine light and glory upon all who will receive it. What more important knowledge can be received than that given in the Book which teaches of the fall of man and the consequences of that sin which opened the floodgates of woe upon our world; which teaches also of the first advent of Christ, a helpless babe, born in a stable and cradled in a manger. The history of Christ is to be searched, comparing scripture with scripture, that we may learn the all-important lesson. What are the terms of salvation? As intelligent agents, invested with personal attributes and responsibilities, we can know in regard to our future, eternal destiny; for the Scripture record given by John, at the dictation of the Holy Spirit, contains no terms that cannot be easily comprehended, and that will not bear the most searching and critical investigation. { FE 406.2 } { SpTEd 5.1 } 
Christ loves the heavenly beings that surround His throne; but what shall account for the great love wherewith He has loved us? We cannot understand it, but we can know it true in our own experience. And if we do hold the relation of kinship to Him, with what tenderness should we regard those who are brethren and sisters of our Lord! Should we not be quick to recognize the claims of our divine relationship? Adopted into the family of God, should we not honor our Father and our kindred?  Desire of Ages, page 327.4   Read entire Chapter 33
Men and women may study the will of God with profit. Let young men and young women, while the dew of youth is upon them, begin to study the word of God, which expresses his will. The steps of Christ are certainly marked out in the word. Go where they can be found today. Do not seek to go back to the land where Christ’s feet trod ages ago. Christ says: “He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” We can know far more of Christ by following him step by step in the work of redemption, seeking the lost and the perishing, than by journeying to old Jerusalem. Christ has taken his people into his church. He has swept away every ceremony of the ancient type. He has given no liberty to restore these rites, or to substitute anything that will recall the old literal sacrifices. The Lord requires of his people spiritual sacrifices alone. Everything pertaining to his worship is placed under the superintendence of his Holy Spirit. Jesus said that the Father would send the Holy Spirit in his name to teach his disciples all things, and to bring all things unto their remembrance that he had said unto them. The curse rests upon Jerusalem. The Lord has obliterated those things which men would worship in and about Jerusalem, yet many hold in reverence literal objects in Palestine, while they neglect to behold Jesus as their advocate in the heaven of heavens.  { RH February 25, 1896, par. 8 }
There are lines of work that have become almost entirely extinct. The power of Heaven has been wanting to give new perceptions in reading the truth out of the Word. But blind minds and hardened hearts have condemned the truth of God as presented because they rebel against the fundamental doctrines received. They are not half enlightened as to what the fundamental doctrines really are. If they had known for themselves they would not have possessed the spirit and attributes they have revealed. They would have known that spirit of truth which is comprised in advocating the principles of righteousness and truth. It is only by doing God’s will that we can know of the doctrine. { PH157 20.1 } 
God permits affliction to come on us at times that we may know how to sympathize with others who are passing through sorrow. The Lord has given me my work, and even when physicians have despaired of my life I have felt it my duty to labor on, even if I died at my post of duty. Our heavenly Father gives us experiences so that we can know how to help others. When the youngest branch of my family was broken off and I could no longer have my infant by my side, I knew better how to sympathize with the mourning mother. When I laid away the oldest member of my family, Jesus supplanted him, and now I can tell mothers to go to Jesus. When the unexpected blow came to him who had stood by my side for thirty-six years it was then that I could lean on my Saviour. I was not left alone, for Christ is a father to the widow. Everyone can benefit others by his own experience. { 3MR 111.2 } 
We  can  Know  the  science  of  spiritual  life
Related phrase:  spiritual life  (  )
We can, we can, reveal the likeness of our divine Lord. We can know the science of spiritual life. We can honor our Maker. But do we do it? O, what an illustrious example we have in the life that Christ lived on this earth! He has shown us what we can accomplish through co-operation with divinity. We are to seek for the union of which he speaks when he says, “Abide in me, and I in you.” This union is deeper, stronger, truer, than any other union, and is productive of all good. Those who are thus united to the Saviour are controlled by his will, and are moved by his love to suffer with those who suffer, to rejoice with those who rejoice, to feel a deep sympathy for every one in weakness, sorrow, or distress. { RH November 24, 1904, Art. A, par. 4 }
We can, we can, reveal the likeness of our divine Lord. We can know the science of spiritual life. We can honor our Maker. But do we do it? Oh, what an illustrious example we have in the life that Christ lived on this earth! He has shown us what we can accomplish through cooperation with divinity. We are to seek for the union of which He speaks when He says, “Abide in me, and I in you” ( John 15:4). This union is deeper, stronger, truer, than any other union and is productive of all good. Those who are thus united to the Saviour are controlled by His will and are moved by His love to suffer with those who suffer, to rejoice with those who rejoice, to feel a deep sympathy for every one in weakness, sorrow, or distress. { HP 187.3} 
We can reveal the likeness of our divine Lord. We can know the science of spiritual life. We can honor our Maker.... { SD 348.4} 
We can, we can reveal the likeness of our divine Lord. We can know the science of spiritual life. We can glorify God in our bodies and in our spirits, which are his. Christ has shown us what we may accomplish through cooperation with him. “Abide in me,” he says, “and I in you.” This union is deeper, stronger, truer, than any other. The heart must be filled with the grace of Christ. His will must control us, moving us, by his love, to suffer with those who suffer, to rejoice with those who rejoice, to feel a deep tenderness for every soul in weakness, sorrow, or distress. { RH April 4, 1912, par. 13 }
We can, we can reveal the likeness of our divine Lord. We can know the science of spiritual life. We can glorify God in our body and in our spirit, which are His. O, what an illustrious example we have in the life that Christ lived on this earth! He has shown us what we can accomplish through cooperation with Him. We are to seek for union with Him. “Abide in Me,” He says, “and I in you.” This union is deeper, stronger, truer than any other union. The heart must be filled with the grace of Christ. His will must control us, moving us by His love to suffer with those who suffer, to rejoice with those who rejoice, to feel a deep tenderness for every soul in weakness, sorrow, or distress. { ST May 10, 1910, par. 7 }
It is possible for us to reveal the likeness of our divine Lord. We can know the science of the divine life. We can glorify God. Do we do it? O, what an illustrious example we have in the life that Christ lived while on this earth. He has shown us what we can accomplish through co-operation with Him. We are to seek for the union of which He speaks when He says, “Abide in Me, and I in you.” This union is deeper, stronger, truer, than any other union. The heart must be filled with the grace of Christ. His will must control us, moving us to weep with those who weep, and to rejoice with those who rejoice, to feel a deep tenderness for every one in weakness, sorrow, or distress. { ST March 7, 1906, par. 7 }
We  can  Know  Christ
We can know Christ only by loving and obeying Him. The Lord calls for valiant men, who will not fail or be discouraged.  { SD 205.5 } 
I would say to my fellow laborers. The Lord would have us obtain new experiences, a growth in grace and in the knowledge of God, by using for the Master the gifts we have. We are dependent upon Christ for spiritual food and vitality. It is only by feeding upon Christ that we can have sanctification and power, that we can know Christ and be a faithful co-worker with God. Let no man become your substitute. Christ is your substitute. Go to Him who has taken you under his charge. “Ye are not your own; for ye are bought with a price.” All you have in mental, physical, and spiritual capacities comes from God, and you are to render to him perfect service in every line, holding fast the Lord Jesus Christ. This is our availing power for the purity of the soul. This will cleanse and purify us, day by day and hour by hour. { PH079 19.1 } 
We can not present any correct representation in words of God’s glory and majesty. It is beyond expression. But we can enjoy the contemplation of God, and the sense of His presence. We can know of Him all that human beings can bear. We can talk with Him in prayer. At times when our faith goes out to Him completely, we converse with Him, and by faith endure the seeing of the Invisible. Faith reveals Him, and we contemplate all that we can endure. When in times of trouble and perplexity we trust Him fully, we have a living sense of His cheering, all-pervading presence and power. We realize that the Lord is indeed our strength and our portion forever. We can be one with Christ in God. But let us never undertake to define God as an essence. Never, never, venture one step into the way of putting God in the place of the things of His creation. { SpTB07 7.3 } 
“This is life eternal,” Christ declared, “that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent.” These words mean much. It is only by knowing Christ that we can know God. The Sent of God calls upon all to listen to these words. They are the words of God, and all should give heed to them; for by them they will be judged. To know Christ savingly is to be vitalized by spiritual knowledge, to practise His words. Without this, all else is valueless. { ST January 27, 1898, par. 8 }
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