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Come from Satan(s) ( 3 ) ( 3 )
Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
come  from Satan
Many, not understanding that their doubts come from Satan, become fainthearted and are defeated in the conflict. Do not, because your thoughts are evil, cease to pray. If we could in our own wisdom and strength pray aright, we could also live aright, and would need no atoning sacrifice. But imperfection is upon all humanity. Educate and train the mind that you may in simplicity tell the Lord what you need. As you offer your petitions to God, seeking for forgiveness for sin, a purer and holier atmosphere will surround your soul.  {HP 78.5}  Read the entire chapter
Here are brought plainly to view those who will be vessels unto honor; for they will receive the latter rain. Every soul who in the light now shining upon our pathway continues in sin will be blinded, and will accept the delusions that come from Satan. We are now nearing the close of this earth's history. Where are the faithful watchmen on the walls of Zion who will not slumber, but faithfully declare the time of night? Christ is coming to be admired in all them that believe. How painful it is to contemplate that the Lord Jesus is being kept in the background! How few magnify His grace and exalt His infinite compassion and love. There will be no envy, no jealousy, in the hearts of those who are seeking to be like Jesus in character. Letter 15, 1892, p. 5. (To Elder S. N. Haskell, June 25, 1892.)  {1MR 176.2}
Many, not understanding that their doubts come from Satan, become faint-hearted, and are defeated in the conflict.  {ST, November 18, 1903 par. 14}
Comes  from Satan
Jealousy caused the first death in our world. . . . All selfishness comes from Satan. Human beings belong to one great family, the family of God. They are to respect and love one another. They are not to speak words which wound and bruise. No one is to be unfair in his dealings, causing his fellow-beings to lose confidence in him. Selfishness and injustice bring unhappiness. Under their baleful influence men lose the sense of what it means to love one another as Christ loves us.  {LHU 292.2}
The Son of God in this age will be as virtually despised and insulted by corrupt men who pretend to be good men, as at his first advent. Satan is now transforming himself into an angel of light, to hide the deformity of his character, and thereby he and his evil angels receive that worship from a blinded, deluded people, which belongs alone to God. Christ is trampled under foot. Virtue and holiness are despised. Evil angels whisper their low, corrupt teachings in the ears of men, and they are pleased. Their carnal minds are gratified. That which comes from Satan and hell, they make themselves believe comes from the spirits of the dead. Their consciences are seared as with a hot iron.  {1Red 60.3}
The Son of God in this age will be as virtually despised and insulted by corrupt men who pretend to be good men, as at his first advent. Satan is now transforming himself into an angel of light, to hide the deformity of his character, and thereby he and his evil angels receive that worship from a blinded, deluded people, which belongs alone to God. Christ is trampled under foot. Virtue and holiness are despised. Evil angels whisper their low, corrupt teachings in the ears of men, and they are pleased. Their carnal minds are gratified. That which comes from Satan and hell they make themselves believe comes from the spirits of the dead. Their consciences are seared as with a hot iron. When the Son of God came into the world to die, man's sacrifice, he laid aside his glory and exalted stature. His height was but a little above the general size of men. His personal appearance bore no special marks of his divine character, which would of itself inspire faith. Yet his perfect form, and dignified bearing, his countenance expressing benevolence, love and  holiness, were unequaled by any then living upon the earth.  {4aSG 118.3}
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