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God has given us ( 716 )
Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
God  has  given  us  .  .  .
Health is a great treasure. It is the richest possession mortals can have. Wealth, honor, or learning is dearly purchased, if it be at the loss of the vigor of health. None of these attainments can secure happiness if health is wanting. It is a terrible sin to abuse the health God has given us. Every abuse of health enfeebles for life, and makes us losers, even if we gain any amount of education.  {CE 16.2}
God has given us all that we possess. It all belongs to Him, and we are not to sit at the footstool of any man to obey his orders, for God has made us free moral agents. He requires us to preserve our moral independence, and not be bound by any man. Our consciences are to be controlled by no power on earth. The Holy Spirit will work upon minds if we will hearken to its faintest whispers. It is the voice of your Advocate in the heavenly courts.  {17MR 193.3}
Satan is constantly urging men to accept his principles, and thus he is seeking to counterwork the work of God. He is constantly representing the chosen people of God as a deluded people. He is an accuser of the brethren, and his accusing power he is constantly using against those who work righteousness. The Lord desires through His people to answer Satan's charges by showing the result of obedience to right principles. He desires our health institutions to stand as witnesses for the truth. They are to give character to the work which must be carried forward in these last days in restoring man through a reformation of the habits, appetites, and passions. Seventh-day Adventists are to be represented to the world by the advance principles of health reform which God has given us. -- Medical Ministry, p. 187.  {CME 34.1}
God has given us the whole of six days in which to do our work, and has reserved only one to Himself. This should be a day of blessing to us -- a day when we should lay aside all our secular matters and center our thoughts upon God and heaven.  {CG 529.2}
Do not think that because you do not manifest decided hostility to Christ you are doing Him service. We thus deceive our own souls. By withholding that which God has given us to use in His service, be it time or means or any other of His entrusted gifts, we work against Him.  {COL 279.3}
The misuse of our physical powers shortens the period of time in which our lives can be used for the glory of God. And it unfits us to accomplish the work God has given us to do. By allowing ourselves to form wrong habits, by keeping late hours, by gratifying appetite at the expense of health, we lay the foundation for feebleness. By neglecting physical exercise, by overworking mind or body, we unbalance the nervous system. Those who thus shorten their lives and unfit themselves for service by disregarding nature's laws, are guilty of robbery toward God. And they are robbing their fellow men also. The opportunity of blessing others, the very work for which God sent them into the world, has by their own course of action been cut short. And they have unfitted themselves to do even that which in a briefer period of time they might have accomplished. The Lord holds us guilty when by our injurious habits we thus deprive the world of good.  {COL 346.4}
God has given us the gift of speech that we may recite to others the dealing of God with us, that his love and compassion may touch their hearts, and that praise may also arise from their souls to him who hath called them out of darkness into his marvelous light. The Lord has said, "Ye are my witnesses." [ISA. 43:10.] But all who are called to be witnesses for Christ must learn of him, that they maybe efficient witnesses. As children of the heavenly King, you should educate yourselves to bear testimony in a clear, distinct voice, and in such a manner that no one may have the impression that you are reluctant to speak of the mercies of the Lord. In social meeting, prayer should be offered so that all may be edified, and those who take part in this exercise should follow the example given us in the Lord's beautiful prayer for the world. The prayer of Jesus is simple, clear, comprehensive, and yet not long and spiritless as are the dry prayers that are often offered in public. These spiritless prayers better not be uttered; for they fail to bless or edify, and are a mere form without vital power.  {CE 129.1}
God  has  given  to  us
This phrase appears 15 times in the writings of Ellen White
The whole body of believers needs to be vitalized by the Holy Spirit of God. We should study, plan, economize, and set in operation every means possible whereby we may reach and bless suffering and ignorant humanity. The light which God has given to us as a people is not given that we may treasure it among ourselves. We are to act in harmony with the great commission given to every disciple of Christ, to carry to all the world the light of truth. The human family is God's heritage. "Ye are not your own; for ye are bought with a price," the apostle declares. When this great truth is realized by believers, the affections of the heart and the powers of the being will co-operate to render to God the highest service.  {RH, August 12, 1909 par. 12}
There is altogether too little effort made for those who come to the meeting who are not of our faith. Never should we manifest a cold indifference to those whom we know to be in ignorance concerning the precious truths that will make men wise unto eternal life. The earnestness of our efforts for others should be in proportion to the value of that which God has given to us to present to the world. All who keep in a prayerful frame of mind, looking to God for heavenly wisdom, will be able, through the grace of Christ, to speak a word in season to those who are brought within the sphere of their influence.  {GW92 224.2}
We have only a little longer time in which to prepare for eternity. . . . The whole body of believers needs to be vitalized by the Holy Spirit of God. We should study, plan, economize, and set in operation every means possible whereby we may reach and bless suffering and ignorant humanity. The light which God has given to us as a people is not given that we may treasure it among ourselves. We are to act in harmony with the great commission given to every disciple of Christ, to carry to all the world the light of truth.  {HP 317.6}
The disciples of Christ are required to represent their Lord to the world. They have been set as torch-bearers on the road to heaven. The light is not given to any soul to be put under a bushel, or under the bed; but to be put on a candlestick, that it may give light to all that are in the house. If we are neglecting any duty, or shrinking from any responsibility, or avoiding any position of trust for which the Lord has qualified and called us, we are not letting our light so shine that men, seeing our good works, may glorify the Father which is in heaven. We should every one be active and enterprising in trading with the talents which God has given to us. We must work in faith. We must not allow doubts to cloud the mind. We must not allow our attention to be drawn from Jesus to our surroundings.  {AUCR, May 6, 1907 par. 1}
The disciples of Christ are required to represent their Lord to the world. They have been set as torch-bearers on the road to heaven. The light is not given to any soul to be put under a bushel, or under the bed; but to be put on a candlestick, that it may give light to all that are in the house. If we are neglecting any duty, or shrinking from any responsibility, or avoiding any position of trust for which the Lord has qualified and called us, we are not letting our light so shine that men, seeing our good works, may glorify the Father which is in heaven. We should every one be active and enterprising in trading with the talents which God has given to us. We must work in faith. We must not allow doubts to cloud the mind. We must not allow our attention to be drawn from Jesus to our surroundings.  {RH, August 7, 1888 par. 1}
What are we doing with the light God has given to us? In temporal matters, many give thought and attention, and close application of mind, in order to make a business success. Should we not give our very best talent to the service of God? Should we not seek to gain a greater knowledge, and a more intelligent manner of doing the work of the Lord? Are we content to exalt the temporal above the eternal interests?  {ST, July 27, 1888 par. 7}
The conductor tells us there is beautiful scenery before us. We find it even so: granite rocks, beautiful trees, green fields, and cultivated lands. Here is revealed indeed a beautiful picture of nature's loveliness. The air is pure. Nature seems fresh-robed in her natural lovely dress of green foliage, make even this world very beautiful. God has given to us tokens of His love. We may read His love in the book of nature. Every tree, every shrub and bud and blooming flower tells us God is love. We look up through the things of nature which God has hung before our senses in His created works, and we adore the Giver. . . .  {4MR 182.2}   {11MR 132.6}
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