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Disagreeable Duties ( 12 )
Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
Disagreable  Duties
Related phrase:   unpleasant duties  ( below )
  God would have the facts appear as they are. Elder Smith has neglected to cultivate those traits of character which it is so needful that all who are engaged in the work of God should possess. Pleasing or unpleasing to human nature, faithfulness, vigilance, and boldness must be exercised, or sin will triumph over righteousness. A failure to see and sense the wants of the cause for this time, and to reprove sin, is called by some, meekness; God calls it unfaithfulness, and spiritual sloth. He gives no credit to those who shun the cross and neglect the disagreeable duties, thereby imperiling his church. Envy, jealousy, dishonesty, falsehoods, and evil surmisings have ever had to be met. They existed in the time of ancient Israel, and will ever be found in modern Israel. Some one must meet this element, and whoever does will displease some; it cannot be otherwise, for there will ever be those who will sympathize with wrong-doers. Those who have shunned that part of the work which requires anxiety and care, boldness and fortitude, will receive no reward for their silence and their peaceful demeanor; but condemnation will be written against them.  {PH043 10.1}
The Lord's commission to his people is, "Go. . . . preach the gospel to every creature." As faithful watchmen, we are to sound the warning message of the peril that is soon coming. There must be no shirking of disagreeable duties, no selfish considerations. As soldiers of Christ, we must be true to our duties, and press into the ranks of workers. God's people must be standing girt with all the heavenly armor, that they may labor with all the capabilities he has given them to prepare a people to stand in the day of God.  {YI, June 17, 1897 par. 1}
Life is full of duties that are not agreeable, but all these unpleasant duties will be made agreeable by a cheerful performance of them because it is right. Taking an interest in the duties which someone must do, and striving to do them with the heart, will make the most disagreeable duties pleasant.  {OHC 227.3}
Nothing will give greater spiritual strength and a greater increase of earnestness and depth of feeling than visiting and ministering to the sick and the desponding, helping them to see the light and to fasten their faith upon Jesus. There are disagreeable duties that somebody must do or souls will be left to perish. Christians will find a blessing in doing these duties, however unpleasant they may be. Christ took the disagreeable task upon Himself of coming from the abode of purity and unsurpassed glory, to dwell, a man among men, in a world seared and blackened by crime, violence, and iniquity. He did this to save souls; and shall the objects of such amazing love and unparalleled condescension excuse their lives of selfish ease? shall they choose their own pleasure, follow their own inclinations, and leave souls to perish in darkness because they will meet with disappointment and rebuffs if they labor to save them? Christ paid an infinite price for man's redemption, and shall he say: My Lord, I will not labor in Thy vineyard; I pray Thee have me excused"?-- 4T 75. {PaM 230.3} 
The very ones who should be valuable workmen have wasted these precious years in selfishly following their own inclinations. They have turned a deaf ear when the Master called them to lift unpleasant burdens, to perform disagreeable duties. Many have little care for the souls for whom Christ died. The Majesty of Heaven submitted to the most cruel humiliation that he might lift degraded man to a state of purity and eternal joy.  {ST, September 7, 1876 par. 3}
Those who, when they graduate from college, think that they have learned all they need to learn have a very imperfect idea of education. If they looked at the matter in a right light, they would see that their education in practical life was just commencing. They must now use their knowledge and skill in new and untried ways. They will meet with many disappointments. They will be confronted by disagreeable duties. There will be need for patient, persevering effort. They are now to put their education to practical use. Day by day they will need divine power.  {10MR 56.2}
In what did we make you a servant? Did we ask you to serve us in any way wherein yourself did not reap the benefit? Did my husband ask you to do anything that he thought was beneath him to do? Did we not both of us do the very thing we asked you to unite with us doing? Did you do anything that would injure your health? Did not I bring wood, wash dishes, sweep floors, and wash clothes? Did I try to excuse myself from engaging in the disagreeable duties? Did not my husband work to great weariness because there was something to do that someone must do?  {15MR 244.1}
unpleasant  duties
Arduous and unpleasant duties have to be performed. None are to place themselves where they will sanction wrong by silence. They aid and abet the schemes of the enemy by keeping their lips closed when they should speak decidedly, though not in a boasting, self-sufficient manner. They are to speak the truth in love.... { UL 206.3} 
Shun  disagreeable  duties
We would have no Aarons in our ranks, but men who respond to the Divine commission, men who become not weak, pliant time-servers, but men who connect themselves with the infinite God, become strong in his strength, and enter upon their mission not to exalt themselves, not to shun disagreeable duties, but to do God's work with unwavering fidelity. With a true purpose a weak man becomes strong; in God's strength a timid man becomes brave; the irresolute become men of quick, firm, decided action. The thought that he is of sufficient consequence to be selected and honored with bearing a commission from the King of kings is sufficient to make him resolute, and to cause him to be faithful and true to his trust. God looks to him for that work with which he is intrusted to invest him with a moral dignity that savors of heaven.  {ST, May 20, 1880 par. 12}
Of all the sins that God will punish, none are more grievous in His sight than those that encourage others to do evil. God would have His servants prove their loyalty by faithfully rebuking transgression, however painful the act may be. Those who are honored with a divine commission are not to be weak, pliant time-servers. They are not to aim at self-exaltation, or to shun disagreeable duties, but to perform God's work with unswerving fidelity.  Patriarchs and Prophets, page 323.3
Of all the sins that God will punish, none are more grievous in His sight than those that encourage others to do evil. God would have His servants prove their loyalty by faithfully rebuking transgression, however painful the act may be. Those who are honored with a divine commission are not to be weak, pliant time-servers. They are not to aim at self-exaltation, or to shun disagreeable duties, but to perform God's work with unswerving fidelity.  {RH, February 4, 1909 par. 14}
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