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Jesus is Grieved ( 5 )
    Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
Jesus  is  grieved
Related Phrase:   Christ is grieved  -  -  grieve Jesus  ( below )
The Lord Jesus loves those for whom He has given His life; and when worldly influences are allowed to come in between them and their Helper, when idols are chosen before Christ, when His appeals to the human soul are regarded with indifference and there is no response, Jesus is grieved. He knows that they are meeting with great losses, for they are stumbling blocks to sinners. They are not gathering with Christ, but scattering from Him. But when through great affliction the Spirit of God touches their hearts, and they turn to Him, He will hear their prayers. Christ knows the capabilities He has given to every soul to serve Him for his present and eternal good. He desires that these souls shall not disappoint Him. He wants them to shine in His kingdom. Those who will be the most highly honored are those who take up their cross daily, and follow Christ.  {TM 129.3}
Oh, how Jesus is grieved with the unbelief, the distrust, the want of gratitude and the sinfulness of those who profess to be the advocates of the law of God! Will not this people understand [that through] their own course of worldliness, of selfishness, [they] have forfeited the mercies promised to the obedient? In view of the great benefits of the salvation brought to us through Jesus Christ, the whole heavenly host in the plains of Bethlehem broke forth into songs of praise, saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, good will toward men" (Luke 2:14). Why is there not more praise and less complaining? Should not our hearts be filled with gratitude to God? If angels saw cause for anthems of praise, why should not the objects Christ came to save be filled with thankfulness? There "are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these we might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust."  {21MR 200.3}
The right course for you to pursue is marked out in the Bible, and you should follow it strictly. Go to your brother, and with your heart filled with tender, pitying love, --  just such love as inspired Jesus in his efforts to save a fallen race, -- tell him his fault between you and him alone. If you fail, do not let this depress you. It will do you harm, and not good, to let your mind dwell upon the mistakes and errors of others. Learn from their weakness to be strong yourself. Avoid their failures. Because Jesus is grieved by their faults, try the harder to honor him yourself by a well-ordered life and godly conversation. If you think your neighbor or brother is defective in character, make him a special subject of prayer; but do not lift up your soul unto vanity by saying, "I am not like him. In contrast with him, I am righteous." This is not obeying the injunction of the apostle to esteem others better than yourself.  {ST, May 8, 1884 par. 8}
The Lord Jesus loves those for whom he has given his life, and when worldly influences are allowed to come in between them and their Helper, when idols are chosen before Christ, when his appeals to the human soul are regarded with indifference, and there is no response, Jesus is grieved. He knows that they are meeting with great losses; for they are stumbling-blocks to sinners. They are not gathering with Christ, but scattering from him. But when through great affliction the Spirit of God touches their hearts, and they turn to him, he will hear their prayers. Christ knows the capabilities he has given to every soul to serve him for his present and eternal good. He desires that these souls shall not disappoint him. He wants them to shine in his kingdom. Those who will be the most highly honored are those who take up their cross daily, and follow Christ.  {PH086 23.1}
The Lord Jesus loves those for whom He has given His life, and when worldly influences are allowed to come in between them and their Helper, when idols are chosen before Christ, when His appeals to the human soul are regarded with indifference, and there is no response, Jesus is grieved. . . . Those who will be the most highly honored are those who take up their cross daily, and follow Christ.-- Manuscript 7, 1898, pp. 10, 11. ("True Education in Our Churches," undated.)  {5MR 330.2}
grieve  Jesus
The faithful reprover that is sent of God to make known the mistakes and errors that are binding the souls of those who are deceived, is treated with contempt. They would crucify the minister simply because he has taken the course which he felt was right, and could not neglect as a faithful steward of the grace of God. Let the church-members realize that the ministers are called to do a special work, not to be men-pleasers, but to speak the truth in love, and to watch for souls as they that must give an account. A true shepherd has a very important part to act. He must reprove. He dare not keep silent when he sees souls in danger of bringing upon themselves eternal ruin. The wayward heart will take exception to his message; for the love of God has grown cold, and he is incapable of discerning spiritual things. He will misjudge, criticise, and weigh the reprover's words in his own finite human scales, and denounce the messenger, and thus grieve Jesus in person of his servant. Another minister may come along who is not as conscientious, who is not as faithful and true, who flatters the members of the church, calling that righteous and good and holy which God has pronounced unrighteous and unholy; yet this man will be highly esteemed, and enshrined in the hearts of the people. They will pass their judgment that he has a good spirit; and because he did not discern and correct their errors, they may pass on in spiritual darkness,and die in their sins.  {RH, July 25, 1893 par. 7}
Jesus  is  slighted  when 
Never are we to be cold and unsympathetic, especially when dealing with the poor. Courtesy, sympathy, and compassion are to be shown to all. Partiality for the wealthy is displeasing to God. Jesus is slighted when His needy children are slighted. They are not rich in this world's goods, but they are dear to His heart of love. God recognizes no distinction of rank. With Him there is no caste. In His sight men are simply men, good or bad. In the day of final reckoning, position, rank, or wealth will not alter by a hairbreadth the case of any one. By the all-seeing God, men will be judged by what they are in purity, in nobility, in love for Christ. . . .  {HP 234.4}
Never are we to be cold and unsympathetic, especially when dealing with the poor. Courtesy, sympathy, and compassion are to be shown to all. Partiality for the wealthy is displeasing to God. Jesus is slighted when His needy children are slighted. They are not rich in this world's goods, but they are dear to His heart of love. God recognizes no distinction of rank. With Him there is no caste. In His sight, men are simply men, good or bad. In the day of final reckoning, position, rank, or wealth will not alter by a hairsbreadth the case of anyone. By the all-seeing God, men will be judged by what they are in purity, in nobility, in love for Christ....  {CS 162.2}
Never are we to be cold and unsympathetic, especially when dealing with the poor. Courtesy, sympathy, and compassion are to be shown to all. Partiality for the wealthy is displeasing to God. Jesus is slighted when his needy children are slighted. They are not rich in this world's goods, but they are dear to his heart of love. God recognizes no distinction of rank. With him there is no caste. In his sight, men are simply men, good or bad. In the day of final reckoning, position, rank, or wealth will not alter by a hair's breadth the case of any one. By the all-seeing God, men will be judged by what they are in purity, in nobility, in love for Christ.  {RH, July 21, 1910 par. 5}
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