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Parables of Jesus in New Testament
Parables of Jesus in the New Testament
           Description   Matthew Mark Luke
The Two Builders - 7: 24 - 27   6: 27 - 29
Children in the Marketplace   - 11: 16 - 19    7: 31 - 35
The Sower - 13: 1 - 23 4: 1 - 20 8: 1 - 15
The Wheat and the Tares - 13: 24-30, 36-43    
The Growing Seed -   4: 26-29  
The Mustard Seed - 13: 31, 32 4: 30-32 13: 18 - 19
Leaven - 13: 33   13: 20 - 21
Hidden Treasure - 13: 44    
The Pearl   (Pearl of great value) - 13: 45, 46    
The Net - 13: 47 - 50    
The Unforgiving Servant - 18: 21 - 35    
Eleventh Hour Workers - 20: 1 - 16    
The Wicked Tenants - 21: 33 - 46 12: 1 - 12  
The Two Sons - 21: 28 - 32    
The Wedding Feast - 22:  1 - 14    
The Ten Virgins - 25: 1 - 13    
The Talents and the Minas - 25: 14 - 30   19: 11 - 27
The Sheep and the Goats - 25: 31 - 46    
Parables only found in Luke    
The Good Sameritan -     10: 25 - 37
The Friend at Midnight -     11: 5 - 8
The Rich Fool -     12: 13 - 21
The Barren Fig Tree -     13: 6 - 9
A Place of Honor -     14: 7 - 11
The Great Banquet -     14: 12 - 24
The Tower Builder and the King -     14: 29 - 32
The Lost Sheep -     15: 1 - 7
The Lost Coin -     15: 8 - 10
The Prodigal Son and his brother -     15: 11 - 32
The Dishonest Steward  ( unfaithful servant ) -     16: 1 - 17
The Rich Man and Lazarus -     16: 19 - 31
Persistent Widow and the Unjust judge -     18:  1 - 8
The Pharisee and the Publican  COL 150-164 -     18: 9 - 14
Crossword puzzle for Wheat & Tares
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