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Parable of Wheat and the Tares - Crossword Puzzle
              1   3         4         5                
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          9                 10   11                      
        12       13                   14       15          
    16                 17   18                 19   20      
                21                   22   23              
  24             25           26               27       28  
                                    29             x    
  30   31       32     33                       34   35     x
      36           x     37     38                        
          39           40     41                          
                    42               43                 x
44               45             46   47   48             49  
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      55                         56                      
                        57           58   59     60        
        62               63                              

Horizontal Vertical  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
2.  The one who told the parables 1.  "Declare unto - - the parable of the tares in the foeld"
4. The tares were made into - - - (7)- - -  and burned 3.  Scattered seed for growth
7.  "- - - hath ears to hear, let him hear" 4.  Meaning the tares and the wheat; "let - - - - grow together"
8.  Therefore 5.  Our foe, the devil
9.  Termination; "So shall it be in the - - - of the world" (40) 6.  Messengers of God
10. A measure of duration 7.  Route, road
13.  You 8.  That which shines in the daytime giving light
14.  Amidst; the enemy sowed tares - - - - the wheat 11.  A great number of persons
16.  Structure in which to live 12.  Place for fire; "And shall cast them into the - - - of fire"
19.  Dig up; "lest while we gather up the tares,
       ye - - - - up also the wheat with them" (29)
15.  To spring up and mature
24.  To consume by fire 17.  Made a present of
25.  In this parable this word means the end of the world (39) 18. Is the world the field in which good seed and tares are sown?
27. The good grain that was sowed in the field 20. "The tares are the children of the wicked - - -"
29. "A man . . . sowed good - - - in his field" 21.  Objective case of the word 'Thou'
30. Follower of Jesus 22. Thrown; sinners shall be - - - into a furnace of fire
33. "Gather the wheat - - to my barn" 23.  Plural of that which the world is
34.  Leaf 26.  Children of the wicked one are called - - -
36.  Person pronoun referring to the Sower 28.  "There shall be wailing and gnashing of - - - -"
37. Refers to the world (38); place where wheat and tares are sown 30.  To make known explicitly and plainly
39. Adverb: before; the tares are to be in bundles and burned - - - 31. To beam with light; "Then shall the righteous - - - forth as
the sun in the kingdom of their Father"
40.  Proceed 32.  Another name for Jesus
41. "The good - - - - are the children of the kingdom" 34.  Place to store wheat
44. Past tense of come 35.  Came, or be in sight
45. Slumbered 37.  "And brought - - - fruit"
46. Whatever exists; Jesus will gather out of His kingdom
      all - - - that offends.
38.  Conjunction for fear that
52.  Belonging to, pertaining to him 42.  Helpers of the householder
54.  Meaning wheat; "But when the blade has sprung up,
      and brought forth - - -"
43.  Preposition; "so shall it be -- the end of the world"
55. The one who gathers the harvest 45. Emerged
57.  Outside of 47.  same as 43 vertical
59.  Universe, "The field is the - - - - -" 48.  Our Father
62.  Past tense of bring 49.  To tie with a cord
63. Those who do that which is right 50.  Will there be a time when the people, likened to
   wheat and tares, are divided?
  51.  The wheat sprang - -; above the ground
  53.  You
  56.  Thrown into the fire
  58.  Kind of seed first planted in field
  60.  Allow; "- - - both grow together until tyhe harvest"
  61.  Adverb expressing negation
The pen of inspiration has much to say about the parable of the Wheat and the Tares
Testimonies to Ministers, page 45
Separate the chaff from the wheat
Parable of the Tares  (make separate page from )
Phrases related to wheat and the tares