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Chapter 1 - Why a Church Manual
Chapter 1  (has a new name)  Why a Church Manual?

According to the transcript of the proceedings and 400GS Seventh-day Adventist Church - Church Manual Revision. Chapter 1 will be titled,  'Why a Church Manual'

  The Church Manual Committee, recommended to remove the 14 page Introduction that appeared in the 17th edition, and incorporate much of it into Chapter 1. The name of Chapter 1 in the 17th edition was "Authority of the Church and the Church Manual" this name was changed to "Why a Church Manual?" 
    Click here to read Chapter 1 as it was proposed to the delegates.

   The following new text has been included in this chapter.
God is a God or order as evidenced in His works of creation and redemption. Consequently, order belongs to the essence of His Church. Order is achieved through principles and regulations that guide the Church in its internal operations and in the fulfillment of its mission to the world. In order for it to be a successful ecclesiastical organization the service of the Lord and humanity, it needs order, rule, and discipline. Scripture affirms that "all things be done decently and in order" (1 Cor. 14: 40)

  The Chapter titled, Why a Church Manual will have a section, Authority and Function of the Church Manual and it will read as follows . . .

The content of the Church Manual is divided into two types of material. The content of each chapter is of worldwide value and is to be followed by every church organization, congregation and member. Recognizing the need for variations in some sections, additional explanatory material, presented as guidance and examples, appears as Notes at the end of the Church Manual. The Notes have subheadings corresponding to chapter subheadings and page numbers of the main text.

  This is similar to page xxi in the Introduction of the 17th Edition. In that edition the notes are placed at the end of the chapter to which it explains. It seems that the new Church Manual has changed the Introduction found on pages xix to xxiii to Chapter 1, with a new title, "Why a Church Manual"

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