
Religious Liberty

We wish to contribute to the discussion about the gradual eroding of our personal rights and freedom to act according to our conscience. Seventh-day Adventists have long believed that the United States will enact laws requiring the observance of Sunday as a day of worship. |
Many Adventists consider the Sunday law as the key event that shows we are entering the beginning of the end. The "sign of the times" most significant to students of prophecy is efforts to enact Sunday legislation in the United States. |
Testimonies Vol. 5, page 451
“When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, OUR COUNTRY SHALL REPUDIATE EVERY PRINCIPLE OF ITS CONSTITUTION as a Protestant and republican government and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near." - ( written in 1885 )
also Maranatha, page 193
Speech by John F. Kennedy to Greater Houston Ministerial Assoc - Sept. 12, 1960 |
The North America Religious Liberty Association (NARLA) and Liberty Magazineare sources of information that will help you track these events. The North American Division promotes an awareness of religious liberty issues in January and February of each year and the local churches participate in the campaign by delivering at least one sermon. |
The 2011 campaign was launched with a message written by Charles D. Brooks - Read this message |
The 2010 campaign was launched with a message written by Dr. Bruce N. Cameron - here is the text of this message. |
Video: Perspective on Religious Liberty by Ed Reid ( 74 minutes ) |
Events |
Trump's Executive Order promoting Free Speech https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2017/05/04/presidential-executive-order-promoting-free-speech-and-religious-liberty |
Religious Liberty Rally in NYC - Aug. 26-27, 2016 Here is a video recording of the Rally on Aug. 27th at Goshen Temple, it is 1 hours 55 minutes. Many church leaders were present and presenters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EftW4vG7Wl4 |
In the News |
The Parsonage, is it constitutional? Article by Michael Peabody - April 14, 2014 |
Trump's Executive Order promoting Free Speech - May 4, 2017 https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2017/05/04/presidential-executive-order-promoting-free-speech-and-religious-liberty |
The Religious Liberty Summit in June 2013 |
Several videos from the Summit - http://www.youtube.com/user/NARLAvideo |
NARLA Convention held in Atlanta, Georgia in October 2012 Videos of the presentation by David Asscherick, "The Coming Storm" - Here are the LINKs Part 1 - is about the time of the early church founded by Jesus until 1844 this sets the table, http://www.3angelstube.com/video/3527/the-coming-storm-david-asscherick-part-1 and part 2 is the meat of this "awakening call to the people of prophecy" http://www.3angelstube.com/video/3528/the-coming-storm-david-asscherick-part-2 |
Audio file of this message http://www.inverity.org/sermon/part-2-one-interest/ ( 72 minutes ) |
Threats to our religious freedom can come from different directions and in different ways but God has designed the unfolding of last day events . . . |
"We may have to plead most earnestly before legislative councils for the right to worship God according to the dictates of conscience. Thus in his providence God has designed that the claims of His law shall be brought before men in positions of highest authority . . ." Review & Herald, Feb. 11, 1904 |
A.T. Jones appears before US Congress - Dec. 13, 1888 ( transcript ) Audio presentation of transcript |
Religious Liberty Quotation of the Month “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” - George Orwell |
The situation in Europe is different than in the United States, for example, in Europe the leaders are concerned about the influx of immigrants from muslim countries and that the number of Islamic people in their country is increasing to a point that alarms them. A backlash is developing in some European countries where people support Christian institutions like Sunday observance laws. This is something to watch carefully. |
New section: selected quotations about Religious Liberty from the writings of Ellen White
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Words and Phrases related to Religious Liberty |
Lessons from the Sunday Law Crisis of late 1880's and 1890's |
The Impending Conflict - Testimonies, Volume 5, Chapter 86 |
Quotes about Religious Liberty: 18MR, 223-225 |
Sunday Blue Laws - this page lists Sunday Laws on the books or under consideration by a state legislature.
Countdown to the National Sunday Law |
There are several websites for religious freedom and here are a few
www.religiousLiberty.info |
www.AdventistLiberty.org |
www.libertymagazine.org |
Non-Adventists organizations |
www.religiousfreedom.com |
www.ReligiousTolerance.org |
Watch List: Organizations that promote Sunday sacredness |
Christian Coalition, founded by Pat Robertson in 1989 www.cc.org |
Lord's Day Alliance - www.LDAUSA.org |
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