Spirit of Prophecy Section
Selected Quotations - EGW ( 6,000 phrases )
Perfect Understanding |
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There is among the workers a lack of aptness, a confusion, a lack of mutual understanding and promptness. Things are not done on time. As a result, complications and difficulties arise, which it is hard to overcome from a lack of united action. This state of things, if it is not remedied, will be seen and felt still more in the future than in the past, for the work will grow and the need of a perfect understanding of affairs in this house will become greater. The unfortunate habit of neglecting a special work which needs to be done at a certain time trebles the difficulty of performing it later with exactness and without leaving something neglected or unfinished.-- Manuscript 24, 1887. {Ev 650.4} |
He who seeks to transform humanity must himself understand humanity. Only through sympathy, faith, and love can men be reached and uplifted. Here Christ stands revealed as the master teacher; of all that ever dwelt on the earth, He alone has perfect understanding of the human soul. {Ed 78.3} |
A brother said he felt thankful that God was a prayer-hearing and prayer-answering God. He knew that his Spirit was here. He rejoiced in his love. He rejoiced that Jesus lives; he has said, "I will pray the Father for you." He had prayed, "Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth." He rejoiced in the light of that truth. He wanted to lean more completely upon his Redeemer, the source of all his strength and his exceeding great reward. He came fifty-five miles to attend this meeting, and had been many times repaid for coming. The preaching that he had heard had put new life into him. He rejoiced in the truth; he wanted a more perfect understanding of it, that he might do his duty at home and among his neighbors. {RH, May 18, 1876 par. 38} |
The religion that has power to govern our thoughts and words will be a blessing to all who come within the reach of our influence. It will be productive of good fruit in our own lives and in the lives of others. It is the privilege of every child of God to gather from his Word that strength that will give him peace with God and peace with his fellow beings. God's people need to be in earnest in drawing near to him, and making their own hearts right. Then the grace of God will rest upon them. When the Holy Spirit is allowed to do its work on human hearts, self will be crucified, and Christ will give to his people the gift of his grace and a perfect understanding of their great need. When they make a full surrender of themselves to him, the work that he desires to see done for his people will be accomplished. {RH, July 8, 1909 par. 6} |
Perfect conformity to the will of God is the condition of which eternal life is given. . . . May the Lord bless you, my brother and sister, and lead you, through a knowledge of His Word, to a perfect understanding of His will concerning you.-- Letter 96, Dec. 29, 1911, to Mrs. J. J. Gravelle, a lay sister in North Dakota. {TDG 372.5} |
When the Holy Spirit is allowed to do its work on human hearts, self will be crucified, and Christ will give to His people the gift of His grace and a perfect understanding of their great need. {2MR 40.2} |
May the Lord bless you, my brother and sister, and lead you, through a knowledge of His Word, to a perfect understanding of His will concerning you.-- Letter 96, 1911. (Written from Sanitarium, California, to Mrs. J. J. Gravell, December 29, 1911.) White Estate Washington, D.C. May 5, 1983 {12MR 273.3} |
Christ had Perfect Understanding |
The fact that men have been possessed with demons, is clearly stated in the New Testament. The persons thus afflicted were not merely suffering with disease from natural causes. Christ had perfect understanding of that with which He was dealing, and He recognized the direct presence and agency of evil spirits. Great Controversy, page 514.1 |
The fact that men have been possessed with demons is clearly stated in the New Testament. The persons thus afflicted were not merely suffering with disease from natural causes. Christ had perfect understanding of that with which he was dealing, and he recognized the direct presence and agency of evil spirits. {4SP 332.2} |
The fact that men have been possessed with demons is clearly stated in the New Testament. The persons thus afflicted were not merely suffering with disease from natural causes. Christ had perfect understanding of that with which He was dealing, and He recognized the direct presence and agency of evil spirits.-- 4SP 332. {TA 181.1} |
Perfect Understanding of His Word |
The Lord Jesus has said: "If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me." Luke 9:23. Christ's words made an impression on the minds of His hearers. Many of them, though not clearly comprehending His instruction, were moved by deep conviction to say decidedly: "Never man spake like this Man." John 7:46. The disciples did not always understand the lessons which Christ wished to convey by parables, and when the multitude had gone away, they would ask Him to explain His words. He was ever ready to lead them to a perfect understanding of His word and His will; for from them, in clear, distinct lines, truth was to go forth to the world. {6T 248.2} |
The Lord Jesus has said, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." Luke 9:23. Christ's words made an impression on the minds of His hearers. Many of them, though not clearly comprehending His instruction, were moved by deep conviction to say decidedly, "Never man spake like this man." John 7:46. The disciples did not always understand the lessons which Christ wished to convey by parables, and when the multitude had gone away, they would ask Him to explain His words. He was ever ready to lead them to a perfect understanding of His word and His will; for from them, in clear, distinct lines, truth was to go forth to the world. {KC 56.2} |
This phrase appears in Scripture and is quoted by EGW |
Forasmuch as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us, even as they delivered them unto us, which from the beginning were eyewitnesses, and ministers of the word; it seemed good to me also, having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first, to write unto thee in order, most excellent Theophilus. Luke 1:1-3. {YRP 228.1} = Yee Shall Receive Power |
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