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Music Ministries
Song has wonderful power. It has power to subdue rude and uncultivated natures; power to quicken thought and to awaken sympathy, to promote harmony of action, and to banish the gloom and foreboding that destroy courage and weaken effort. Many a song is prayer.”  {Education, page 167, 268} 
Video --  An Hour of Adventist Songs - appeared on 3 ABN in July 2014
New Releases:   Altar Call by Kendol Bacchus - 2017
Neville Peter

Who Shall Be Able to Stand    - Video

   All the Way My Saviour Leads Me     Audio File

Christ is Coming    Audio File

Just Like an Angel   ( 3 min. 40 seconds )

This time it's Personal    ( video - 5 minutes )

=   =   =   =   =   =   =   =   =
    Visit his website   http://www.nevillepeter.com


The  King's  Heralds

Album:  Healing Love  ( 10 songs )
Click on Link

song "If God is Not There"
Link to song on Youtube


Another singer coming soon
Unlifting Music Videos on the internet

Amazing Grace

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DiggingForTruth.org hopes you will enjoy the ministries of these fine musicians and singers