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Grievance of church against member - page 192

Settlement of Grievances of the Church against Members
There may be times when church organizations or institutions will have grievances against church members. At such times, church administrators must, in Christian forbearance, keep in mind the biblical counsel for settling disputes among Christians and apply that counsel to the settlement of grievances of the church against its members. The church should, in preference to litigating matters in a secular court, make every reasonable effort in cooperation with the member to provide a process by which orderly settlement of the problem can be accomplished.
Church Manual, page 192    (17th edition)

In the resolution process for grievances of the ‘Church against Members’ what is the penalty for church administrators who do not “keep in mind the biblical counsel for settling disputes” and/or do not apply that counsel to the settlement process?
On the same page (192) we can find the penalty of a member who does not follow the church manual and takes another member (of the church) to court. 

Here are questions about church administrators who do not follow the process; the question has four parts.

Question 1
What is the penalty if church administrators take the member to court without following the counsel?

Question 2: What is the penalty if they threaten to take the member to court and do not follow the counsel?

Question 3: What is the penalty for just not applying the biblical counsel to the settlement of this type of grievance?

Question 4: Could this matter fall into the realm of “improper conduct” found in Section L-60 of the NAD Working Policies?

Please post your comment or answer to any question or all four questions below.

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