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Business Meetings - page 89

“Church business meetings duly called by the Pastor, or the church board in consultation with the pastor, may be held monthly or quarterly according to the needs of the church.”
Church Manual, page 89

 The 17th Edition says, “Church business meetings duly called by the Pastor, or the church board in consultation with the pastor, may be held monthly or quarterly according to the needs of the church”
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Question 1:  Can the church vote (at a business meeting) to have fewer then quarterly meetings? (ie: every six months)
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Question 2:  Consider the case where the church votes to have two meetings per year (semi-annual) because the Pastor calls them less often. How long can a Pastor delay calling a business meeting before the conference should do something to uphold the will of the congregation and restore the members voice in the affairs of the church?
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Question 3:  What should the conference do if a member complains there are no business meetings at his/her church a for one year or more?
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