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Phrase - Education of Students
Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

Education  of  Students

The education of students in medical missionary lines is not complete unless they are trained to work in connection with the church and the ministry.-- Counsels on Health, p. 557.  {CME 44.6}

There should be most careful consideration as to the best manner of expending money in the education of students. While so much is spent to put a few through an expensive course of study, there are many who are thirsting for the knowledge they should get in a few months; one or two years would be considered a great blessing. If all the means is used in putting a few through several years of study, many young men and women just as worthy cannot be assisted at all. . . . 
{CT 404.2}
For this reason, God bids us establish schools away from the cities, where, without let or hindrance, we can carry on the education of students upon plans that are in harmony with the solemn message committed to us for the world. Such an education as this can best be worked out where there is land to cultivate and where the physical exercise taken by the students can be of such a nature as to act a valuable part in their character building and fit them for usefulness in the fields to which they shall go.  {CT 532.3}
The medical missionary work is not to be carried forward as something apart from the work of the gospel ministry. The Lord's people are to be one. There is to be no separation in His work. Time and means are being absorbed in a work which is carried forward too earnestly in one direction. The Lord has not appointed this. He sent out his twelve apostles and afterward the seventy to preach the Word to the people, and He gave them power to heal the sick and to cast out devils in his name. The two lines of work must not be separated. Satan will invent every possible scheme to separate those whom God is seeking to make one. We must not be misled by his devices. The medical missionary work is to be connected with the work of the third angel's message, as the hand is connected with the body; and the education of students in medical missionary lines is not complete unless they are trained to work in connection with the church and the ministry.--CH 557. {PaM 108.2}
Every child of God should have sanctified judgment to consider the cause as a whole and the relation of each part to every other part, that none may lack. The field is large, and there is a great work of reform to be carried forward, not in one or two lines, but in every line. The medical missionary work is a part of this work of reform, but it should never become the means of separating the workers in the ministry from their field of labor. The education of students in medical missionary lines is not complete unless they are trained to work in connection with the church and the ministry, and the usefulness of those who are preparing for the ministry would be greatly increased if they would become intelligent on the great and important subject of health. The influence of the Holy Spirit is needed that the work may be properly balanced and that it may move forward solidly in every line.  {6T 291.3}
We have seen the school buildings; they are an object lesson of how our work should be done. Now we must advance another step by putting up the main building of the sanitarium. This institution will be needed in connection with the school in the education of students. It would be a great mistake to leave the sanitarium till the last. Let a strong force be organized and put to work in the erection of the sanitarium. Let the best designs be followed, and make everything as complete as possible with the means allotted to the work. It will be for the best interest of the sanitarium to plan for the erection, later on, of several small cottages. These cottages will be a great blessing in many respects. Patients will come who will need greater quiet than can be obtained in a large building. Those who are too sick to go up and down stairs, even in an elevator, and who cannot bear the opening and shutting of doors, will gain a great blessing from the quiet of these cottages.  {2MR 53.1}
I do not urge that the reasons for every phase of our faith shall be brought into our school education; this the students can obtain in the Sabbath school and the church. But the lessons given in the Old and New Testaments should be carefully selected and arranged as to be interesting and attractive to the minds of children. That which Christ has taught is certainly safe and advisable to bring into the education of students. Children are not blind and deaf to the perversion of truth; their minds are easily impressed, and the impressions given should be of a right character.  {19MR 75.2}

Education  of  the  chosen  people

In the arrangements for the education of the chosen people it is made manifest that a life centered in God is a life of completeness. Every want He has implanted, He provides to satisfy; every faculty imparted, He seeks to develop.  My Life Today, page 204.2

In the arrangements for the education of the chosen people it is made manifest that a life centered in God is a life of completeness. Every want He has implanted He provides to satisfy; every faculty imparted He seeks to develop.  {AH 455.1}
In the arrangements for the education of the chosen people it is made manifest that a life centered in God is a life of completeness. Every want He has implanted, He provides to satisfy; every faculty imparted, He seeks to develop.  {Ed 41.3}

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