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Epistles of Peter and John
The  Epistles of Peter and Epistles of John
First  Epistle  of  Peter
1 Peter 3: 8 - 17     Instructions in Righteous
Second  Epistle  of  Peter
2 Peter 3: 9                      God's will is that none should perish
 -  2 Peter 3: 10                   The Day of the Lord / The end of the world
 -  2 Peter 3: 13, 14             Be diligent to be spotless and without blemish
First  Epistle  of  John
 1 John 2: 19               >      They were not really one of us
    -  1 John 2: 22, 23      >      Antichrist
1 John 3: 1 - 24                  
    - 1 John 3: 2, 3   
All of Chapter 3
>    We shall be like Him
1 John 4: 16            >      God is love
1 John 5: 7, 8         >     Three that bear record  ( KJV is disputed )
1 John 5: 10, 11      >    The record that God gave us about Jesus
1 John 5: 12           >     He who has the Son, has Life
1 John 5:  13, 15   >    Confidence in Jesus
Second  Epistle  of  John
 2 John 1: 7        >   Antichrist
 2 John 1:  9 - 11   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . >   Must have the Doctrine of Christ
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