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NPUC Executive Committee - 2016
 North Pacific Union Conference            www.npuc.org
 Ridgefield, Washington 98642           Phone:  (360) 857-7000
   Churches:   429    Members:  95,350
   President:  Max Torkelsen II
   Exec Secy:  John Loor, Jr. (elected 8/25/2010) was Pres. of Montana Conference
   Treasurer:   Mark Remboldt                        List of Departments
Next Constituency Meeting:  Sept. 25, 2016    Constituency Delegates for 2016  ( Official List )
Results of Sept. 25 meeting  will require us to update this page (come back in october)
The twenty-eighth regular constituency meeting of the North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) of Seventh-day Adventists and Walla Walla University will be held at the Sunnyside Seventh-day Adventist Church, 10501 SE Market St., Portland, Ore., on Sept. 25, 2016, at 9 a.m.  
The purpose of the constituency meeting is to present reports covering the five-year period ending Dec. 31, 2015; to elect officers, board, and committees for the ensuing quinquennial period; to consider and act upon recommended changes to the constitution; and to transact such other business as may properly come before the constituents. The present constitution provides that the voters of this meeting shall be the duly appointed delegates from the local conferences within the Union and certain ex officio and other delegates. Registration of delegates is scheduled to take place at the Sunnyside Seventh-day Adventist Church from 8–9 a.m., Sept. 25, 2016. 
Executive  Committee    (  2012  to  2016 )  
Elected at Constituency Meeting:   2016 LinkedIN profile
Max Torkelsen, Chairperson   (Retireing) 
John Loor, Secretary       (360) 857-7000    
Jon Altman, S
Jim Berglund,  Se   
Gretchen Bowers, Min
Dale Bryson, S
Dick Clark, S
César De León,  S
Colin Dunbar,  S
Stephen Evenson,  S
Gary Fogelquist,  S
John Freedman,  President, Washington Conference
                             ( elected President of NPUC on 9/25/2016 )
Dale Galusha,  Pacific Press Publishing
Erig Haeger,  S  
Katie Harris,  S  
Gene Heinrich, S  
Rollin Hixson,  Pastor, SDA church in Montana  
Paul Hoover,  President, Upper Columbia Conference  
Merlin Knowles,  President, Montana Conference  
John Loor, Jr,  Executive Secretary NPUC   Office:  (360) 857-7000  
Maria Lopez,  S  
Alphonso McCarthy,  S  
John McVay,  President, Wala Wala University  
Don Mead  
Zendi Meharry,   
Kevin Miller,  Pastor, Alaska Conference
Donna Montgomery  
Dennis Plubell, VP Education, NPUC   Phone:  (360) 857-7027
Pedro Pozos  
David Prest
Paul Rasmussen, (Lay member) Owns Northwest Collision, Walla Walla (509) 529-9638
Al Reimche, President, Oregon Conference
Mark Remboldt, Treas, NPUC   Phone: (360) 857-7015
John Rogers
Jerry Russell,  Treasurer, Washington Conf
Julie Sanders Keymer
Conrad Thomas
S. R. Thorward  
Rory Wold  
Paul Woodward  
Jack Woosley  
List last updated:  Sept. 12, 2016