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Audio - Chapter 8 discussion - May and June 2016
Audio files for reading and discussion of
Chapter 8 - Luther Before the Diet
return to reading of Chapter 8 
Click on this link for May 17, 2016
page 145, par. 1  to  page 150, par. 1
We suggest you also open Chapter 8 and read along with us

Click on next link for May 24, 2016
page 150, par. 2  to  page 154, par. 3
We suggest you also open Chapter 8 and read along with us

Click on next link for May 31, 2016
page 155, par. 1  to  page 160, par. 2
We suggest you also open Chapter 8 and read along with us
Click on this link for June 7, 2016
page 160, par. 3  to  page 164, par. 3
We suggest you also open Chapter 8 and read along with us

Click on this link for June 14, 2016
page 164.4  to  end

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