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Phrase - Definition of an idol

Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

                                               . . . is  an  idol

God has given us many things in this life upon which to bestow our affections; but when we carry to excess that which in itself is lawful, we become idolaters. The law of God requires that every son and daughter of Adam shall love him supremely, and anything that separates our affections from God, and lessens our interest in eternal things, is an idol. Those who use the precious time given them by God--time that has been purchased at an infinite cost--in embellishing their homes for display, in following the fashions and customs of the world, are not only robbing their own souls of spiritual food, but are failing to give God his due. The time thus spent in the gratification of selfish desires might be employed in obtaining a knowledge of the word of God, in cultivating our talents, that we might render intelligent service to our Creator.  {YI, December 31, 1896 par. 3}
God has given us many things in this life upon which to bestow our affections, but when we carry to excess that which in itself is lawful we become idolaters. . . . Anything that separates our affections from God and lessens our interest in eternal things is an idol. Those who use the precious time given them by God--time that has been purchased at an infinite cost--in embellishing their homes for display, in following the fashions and customs of the world, are not only robbing their own souls of spiritual food, but are failing to give God His due. The time thus spent in the gratification of selfish desires might be employed in obtaining a knowledge of the Word of God, in cultivating our talents, that we might render intelligent service to our Creator. . . . God will not share a divided heart. If the world absorbs our attention, He cannot reign supreme. If this diminishes our devotion for God, it is idolatry in His eyes....  {TMK 322.3}
God's holy Sabbath is not to be used to obtain worldly advantages. But with too many, the world is an idol. They place worldly principles and worldly advantages before the Lord God of Hosts. They worship money. Before the heavenly universe, before the worlds unfallen, and before their fellow men, they show that in their eyes, gain is godliness. They accept fables invented to turn men from truth and righteousness. By choosing the world and its attractions, they divorce themselves from God.  {RH, July 13, 1897 par. 1}
Our dangers are similar to those which threatened the prosperity of ancient Israel. The oft-repeated warnings against idolatry addressed to the Hebrew host, are no less applicable to us. Everything which leads the affections away from God is an idol, and betrays us into sin. If we serve God willingly and joyfully, preferring his service to the service of sin and Satan; if we choose him, openly and boldly turning from all the attractions and vanities of the world, we shall enjoy his blessing in this life, and shall dwell forever in his presence in the future life.  {ST, May 19, 1881 par. 26}
I have seen in vision that tobacco was a filthy weed, and that it must be laid aside or given up. Said my accompanying angel, "If it is an idol it is high time it was given up, and unless it is given up the frown of God will be upon the one that uses it, and he cannot be sealed with the seal of the living God." If it is used as a medicine, go to God, He is the great Physician, and those that use the filthy weed for medicine greatly dishonor God.--Letter 5, 1851. (To Brother Barnes, December 14, 1851.)  {5MR 377.1}

I then saw the Word of God, pure and unadulterated, and that we must answer for the way we received the truth proclaimed from that Word. I saw that it had been a hammer to break the flinty heart in pieces, and a fire to consume the dross and tin, that the heart might be pure and holy. I saw that the Apocrypha [SEE MR. NO. 1148, "ELLEN G. WHITE AND THE APOCRYPHA."] was the hidden book, and that the wise of these last days should understand it. I saw that the Bible was the standard Book, that will judge us at the last day. I saw that heaven would be cheap enough, and that nothing was too dear to sacrifice for Jesus, and that we must give all to enter the kingdom. I heard an angel say,"Think ye God will place His seal where there is an idol? No, no."  {16MR 34.3}

All that go forth as missionaries should have the principle firmly established to keep clean off idolatry of dress; for dress is an idol; dress has established its sway over sensible human minds, and held its power so that it separates the soul from God. All these things are reasons why we do not have more devoted, converted missionaries in our churches. They have suffered the world to set up its hellish banner between them and Jesus, so that it is impossible for them to represent Christ in self-denial.  {18MR 157.3}

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