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More Poetry ( page 6 ) - Blood on the Moon
This poem is dedicated to all who  
are  in  need,  
all  who  will  help, 
especially  to  ADRA, a world
wide  disaster  relief  organization:
                by RFH
  Why should I seek
     to live a life
      of ease;
    Earning and
      spending only
       as I please?
  Nearer and nearer
    does misery creep
     as thru life
      I labor;
  The more
   comfortable my life,
    the less I have
     for my neighbor.
  Luke  10:25-37  in  part
  reads: "... a certain law-
  yer  stood  up ... saying,
  'Master, what shall I do
  To  inherit  eternal life?'
  [And Jesus] said, 'What
  is  written  in  the   law?'
  [The  lawyer]  answering
  said, '... love ... God with
  all  thy  heart  ...  soul  ...
  strength  ... and ... mind,
  and thy neighbor as thy-
  self.' [Then] to justify him-
  self  [the  lawyer  asked],
  'And who is my neighbor?'
  [After Jesus gave him the
  Story  of  the man  left for
  dead by thieves, the two
  unconcerned  men who
  passed him by, and the
  compassionate Samari-
  tan  who  rescued  him,
  Jesus  asked],  'Which
  now  of  these  three ...
  was neighbor unto him
  that    fell   among   the
  thieves?' And  [the  law-
  yer] said, 'He that show-
  ed mercy on him.' Then
  said  Jesus   unto   him,
  'Go  and  do  thou  like-
  wise.' "
The   Desire    of    Ages,
Chapter 54, in part reads
on Page 503, "Our neigh-
bor is every person  who
needs   our   help."   And
reads    on    Page    504,
"When we see human beings
in  distress, whether through     
affliction  or  
through   sin,   
we   shall 
never say, 'This does
concern me.' "
        (c) RFH 01/10/2018
      [Nonprofit use permitted]

                 by RFH
   This is ultimate success:
       Only by the grace
           of God
       Shall we see the face
          of God
                         and live.
     Job 19:27 "With my own
     eyes -- and not the eyes
     of another -- shall I see
     Rev. 22:4, 5 "They shall
     see His face,  His name
     in their foreheads ... and
     they shall reign with Him
     Rev. 1:7  "He  is  coming
     with the clouds [of angels]
     and  every  eye  shall see
     Him ..."
     1 Thes. 4:13-17   "... the
     Lord  shall  not  prevent
     them which are asleep ...
     the  dead  in Christ  shall
     rise first ... we which are
     alive and remain shall be
     caught up  together with
     them  in  the  clouds  to
     meet the Lord in the air,
     and so shall we ever be
     with the Lord."
     Matt. 16:26 "What would
     anyone profit  to gain all
     the  world, yet  lose  his
         (c) RFH 11/6/2016
     [Nonprofit use permitted]

                       by RFH
  a great earthquake,
  then after the tribulation
    signs in the sun,
    moon, and stars
      that would
      startle a nation.
These were the signs
  God gave for the end;
  in this very order
    to happen, my friend.
And as true as He is
  to His word,
  the events happened
    as hearts were stirred.
The Lisbon earthquake,
  felt overseas,
  began the fulfillment
    of these prophecies.
  in seventeen-and-eighty
  came the Dark Day;
    the blotted-out sun
    left many in dismay.
That night the moon
  came out -- blood red!
  'Tis surely the end
    of the world,'
    many said.
But a whole fifty-three
  years later, in
    the sky cast down
    her stars
      as unripe figs
      from a shaken tree.
Two hundred-thousand
  shooting stars an hour
  thru the night --
    'Surely the world
    will end now,'
      said many
      with hearts a-fright.
But the world has gone on,
  not the same but worse,
  so that our Father
    might save more
    from this
      terrible curse.
Oh, Spirit of God:
  Is Messiah near and
  coming soon?
    Are we covered
    by His blood,
      or frightened
      by blood on the moon?
1 Thes. 5:20 "Despise not
prophesyings." (See also
1 Cor. 14:31)
         (c) RFH 1986, 2001

Suggested reading
Great Controversy, Chap. 17
read pages 304 to 308

'Falling Stars' in 1833
       [Nonprofit use permitted]
















   Over  many  years,  this
   poem has  been shared
   only  privately  and  has
   helped to save more than
   a few marriages. Because
   of  the  alarming  increase
   in  divorces  all  over  the
   world,  it  is  high  time  to
   release this one publicly:
            LOVE  YOU

               by RFH
        I shall always
          love you,
          tho' no longer
        What a sad
          separation --
          it's as tho'
            you had died.
        I step
          into the future
          -- no idea
            what's ahead --
        Only left
          with trust
           in God and
            a half-empty bed.
        What happened
          is uncertain,
           but probably
            for the best;
        For us the only
          prayer I pray:
           'Somehow we'll
             both be blest.'
        For the years
          of love gone by,
           I have not
            one regret;
        For the moments
          of contention,
          we must
            forgive, forget.
        Life's too short,
          too fragile,
           to dwell
            upon the past;
       Our love has
         suffered from it,
          tho' we thought
           it would last.
       Now we're trying
         separate roads,
          for each
           a lonely ride;
       I shall always
         love you,
          tho' no longer
       (c) RFH  8/7/1996
             & 10/28/2016
   [Nonprofit use permitted]














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