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Food Section - Grocery Stores

Business  Directory
for Ridgewood and Glendale

Food Section:   Grocery stores
    Name  of  Store         Address of store
Aghapy Food, Inc.
(Middle Eastern)
603 Woodward Ave.
Associated Supermarket 333 Seneca Ave (at DeKalb)
- D -  
Dreamland Deli 501 Grandview Ave
Dreamland Deli II 66-35 Forest Avenue
- F -  
F & B Grocery 63-02 Forest Ave
- G -  
Grace Tree Grocery 415 Woodward Ave
Grocery Store Putnam and Forest Avenues
Grocery Store Grandview (Corner of Himrod)
Grocery Store 20-60 Gates Ave (at Grandview)
- H -  
H. S. Yim's Grocery 466 Woodward Ave
- K -  
Kiko Congo Grocery (Mexican) 63-31 Forest Ave
- M - N -  
M & B Deli 818 Woodward Ave
Narciso Grovery 752 Woodward Ave
- P -  
Polish Grocery Woodward and Greene
Polish Grocery 778 Woodward Ave
- R -  
Ridgewood Andy's Deli, Inc. 65-02 Forest Ave
- S -  
S & M  Express Deli / Grocery 490 Grandview Ave
- V -  
Vitelio's Supermarket 1883 Madison @ Woodward
Last Updated:  Jan. 1, 2015


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