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Annual Council (October 8 - 13, 2010)

Annual Council - Revival & Reformation Committee

INITIATIVES and Suggestions from
1. Revival and Reformation Appeal Document for Annual Council
2. “777” Worldwide Holy Spirit Prayer Fellowship --‐ Seventh-day Adventists praying seven days a week at 7 (a.m. and p.m.) for the outpouring Of the Holy Spirit’s power and presence. Praying any hour on the hour, a person will join with Thousands of others in another time zone around the world bringing unity. “A chain of earnest praying believers should encircle the world … to pray for the Holy Spirit” (RH, January 3, 1907). <Click to read entire message
3. New Year’s Eve/Day Worldwide Day of Prayer culminates in a weeklong series of television Programs on Hope Channel that allow every church member around the world to participate In seeking God for a revival experience in 2011.
4. Worldwide Days for Prayer and Fasting – First Sabbath of each quarter designated as day of Prayer and fasting for the world church. Encourage families and individuals to establish the first Day of each month and one day a week as normal or partial fast days. Support information and Helps being developed by the Prayer and Fasting Subcommittee.
5. Operation Global rain, a ten--‐day worldwide prayer/spiritual emphasis from January 5 to 15, 2011 as follow--‐up to January 1 day of prayer. This serves as a foundation for all Tell the World initiatives.
6. Technology Subcommittee—Develop a technology support system and community for revival And reformation initiatives, specifically the “777” Worldwide Holy Spirit Prayer Fellowship. It will Utilize a custom website, cell phone text messaging, smart phone apps and social media platforms (Facebook and Twitter) to: a.) remind to pray daily at 7
b.) distribute related devotional material
c.) link to others on a map who are praying with you
d.) connect with others who are praying, encouraging them to spread the word and give invitation for others to join through their social network
7. Plans are being developed to increase study of the Bible and Ellen G. White writings.
8. Encourage all members to read and study The Great Controversy for revival in 2011 in preparation
For major distribution of The Great Controversy around the world in 2012.
9. Recommend to ADCOM that Sabbath School study guides be developed on revival and reformation and inserted asap in curriculum. Increasing readership of guides is also a priority.
10. Revival and Beyond book reprinted by the White Estate in time for Annual Council.
11. Mark Finley’s book, Lord, Revive Us Again, written and published in time for Annual Council.
12. Evaluation and Assessment criteria are being created to assess the progress of revival and reformation and also the committee’s work.
View document on-line http://news.adventist.org/images/12%20Initiatives.pdf |
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