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Letter to Gerson Santos - Opportunity to learn the truth
Letter to Gerson Santos about comment by Pastor Romeo 
sent  August  14, 2013
                                                                                                            Message # 248
                                                                                                               Aug. 14, 2013
Dear Gerson Santos:
  Thank you for responding promptly, I will change the subject. 
  In the message that Pastor Tony Romeo sent to you on Monday he mentions my “twisted document” and I assume he is referring to Message # 245 which I sent to you and you sent him a copy of your response. [ see response ] Pastor Romeo sent me a copy, of the message he sent to you on Aug. 12th
E-mail from Tony Romeo to Gerson Santos                Dated:   Aug. 12, 2013
.  .  .  As usual, his twisted document, contains as usual, some correct information, and gross misrepresentations of what took place.
.  .  . If his agitation in our church continues, with his migration to speak to our members about how unfairly he has been treated, I look forward to asking him to leave the premises. Pastor Satelmajer, and I refrained from absolutely destroying him with all he has said and done in the volumes of documents and bogus websites he distributes. Many other members also held back from describing his past actions. This was done in order to preserve what ever dignity he has left, clearly to no avail.
Take care.
Tony Romeo
        Copy sent to Mario
  He talks about “gross misrepresentations of what took place.”  If there is any false information or misrepresentation in Message # 245, I am willing to correct it. But I need to know what he thinks is not accurate.                                                                          
   Since Tony Romeo does not accept e-mails from me, and he will not talk to me, I suggest that you find out exactly what are the “misrepresentations” he is talking about. I will demonstrate what I said is accurate, with evidence or testimony.  If I can’t prove any statement I will remove anything that is not accurate, and announce the correction to those who have seen it.
  There is some urgency to this because I have posted this information on one of my “bogus websites”  here is the URL   http://www.diggingfortruth.org/article/2787/  and I have posted the URL on one of my LINKEDin groups for Adventists.
  I created this webpage after Tony Romeo’s message claiming that I insulted Pastor Satelmajer, so the on-line version did not include the reference to his age or to his retirement and I even sent Pastor Satelmajer the URL on Tuesday so he can tell me if he was offended.  He has not responded that any information was offensive or not accurate or even a “gross misrepresentation.”
  Please consider this an opportunity for you to see if Pastor Romeo is doing to you now what he did in September 2012 regarding _____ and _____.  He said things about them that were not true, but you did not talk to them to get their side. The result is that _____ and _____ accused you and Earl Knight of professional misconduct, and then the Union leaders of neglect of duty and then the NAD Administrators of neglect of duty. They plan to bring this matter to the NAD Executive Committee in October, and to the members of the NAD committee before they meet (and it may have a copy of the video you saw).   I’m sure you will agree that this is quite a mess, that could have been avoided if you only spoke with these two ladies before you authorized police involvement.
 This time Pastor Romeo has accused me of “gross misrepresentations” in a letter which I tell you is accurate. You have an opportunity to see who is correct. The way to do this is to find out what are the statements I made that he claims are not true and see if I can prove them.
  We are close to a new phase of this situation, which will occur when I attend Manhattan Church and he asks me to leave the church for talking to a member of the church.  Since the church manual gives me “the right to seek fairness” (page 67) I intend to speak to members, but Tony Romeo does not want me to have a voice especially on this topic; so the police will be called and it will go according to God’s will. If I get arrested then this will escalate. Because an arrest means that I will get a day in court and it will be a much fairer hearing then what I got on Aug. 3rd
  Therefore, I hope that you agree that it is very important that the information on the “bogus websites” is correct and without any misrepresentations, gross or even small ones. It is also important for you to know who is telling the truth and who is not telling the truth.
  I will delay contacting my other groups of Adventists in other “bogus websites” in the hope that you will respond saying that you will contact Pastor Romeo and find out what he claims are the false statements.
 I am praying that you will not make the same mistake this time, that you did with the two ladies, and take another statement made by Tony Romeo as fact, without a proper investigation.  God is giving you another opportunity to do it right before the police are involved.
 In God We Trust

                 The Church Manual says,
Right of Appeal for Reinstatement 
“While it is the right of the church to administer discipline, this does not set aside the rights of members to seek fairness. If members believe that they have been treated unfairly by the local church, or not had the right to be heard fairly, and the church is unwilling to reconsider the case or if the officers refuse to consider their applications for reinstatement, the former members have a right to appeal in writing to the church for a hearing. The church should not neglect or refuse to grant such hearings. If it does, or if the former members still feel unfairly treated by the church after the appeal, they have the right to a final appeal for a hearing to the executive committee of the conference. If, after a full and impartial hearing, the conference committee is satisfied that an injustice has been inflicted by the church, the committee may recommend reinstatement to membership. But if membership is still refused by the church, then the conference committee may recommend membership in some other church. On the other hand, if it finds good grounds for sustaining the church in refusing to reinstate the former members, it will so record its decision.”
 Church Manual, page 67
Fundamental  Rights  of  the  Members 

Members have a fundamental right to prior notification of the disciplinary meeting and the right to be heard in their own defense, introduce evidence, and produce witnesses. No church should vote to remove a member under circumstances that deprive the member of these rights. Written notice must be given at least two weeks before the meeting and include the reasons for the disciplinary hearing.
        Church Manual, page 64