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Church Board Letter - Sets trial on Aug. 3, 2013
   Discipline at the Historic Manhattan Church
The Church Board sent a letter via Priority Mail to a member of this church, 
Manhattan Seventh-day Adventist Church  ( letter head )

                                                                                               July 15, 2013
Dear _ _ _ _ _ 
  For many years, we have spent many hours at the local and conference level attempting to reconcile your differences with the church organization; unfortunately, to no avail.
  This is to notify you that the Church Board has recommended removing your membership from the Manhattan Seventh-day Adventist Church. This action will be voted during the Church Business meeting on Saturday, August 3, 2013 at 4 pm.
 We wish God's blessing upon you.
  ( no signature )
Manhattan Seventh-day Adventist Church Board
   "Members have a fundamental right to prior notification of the disciplinary meeting and the right to be heard in their own defense, introduce evidence, and produce witnesses. No church should vote to remove a member under circumstances that deprive the member of these rights. Written notice must be given at least two weeks before the meeting and include the reasons for the disciplinary hearing."

Church Manual,  page 64, 65
DiggingForTruth.org recognizes that the charge of 'irreconcileable differences" is not a valid reason to disfellowship a member and remove his name from the Seventh-day Adventist church roll.  There is concern also because the church board could not find any sin for which this member can be held accountable.
The Church Board sent another letter via Priority Mail  to same member of this church,
Manhattan Seventh-day Adventist Church  ( letter head )
                                                                                               July 27, 2013
Dear _ _ _ _ _ 
  The church has sent you a letter dated July 15, 2013, stating that you church membership will be considered at a Business Meeting on August 3, 2013 at 4:00 pm.
 In our July 15, 2013 letter we gave a general reason why the Church Board made the recommendation and would have given all the particulars at the Business Meeting. In this letter we are giving you the specific reason as stated in the Church Manual. The specific reason why the Church Board has recommended to the Business Meeting disciplinary action is as follows: "Persistent refusal to recognize properly constituted church authority or to submit to the order and discipline of the church." (Church Manual, page 62).
 The Church Manual states that you have the right to gbe heard in your own defense, introduce evidence and bring witnesses.
 The Seventh-day Adventist Church values its members and recognizes the sacredness of church membership and the relationship of members with each other. From time to time it becomes necessary to take action about a church member and this is one of those ocasions. We pray for God's leadership on this matter.
 Sincerely your in Christ,
  ( signature of Church Clerk )
Manhattan Seventh-day Adventist Church Board
See Comments about the new charge
  It seems that the church board has another agenda then to purify the church of sin, and this could be revealed in his "differences with the church" that can not be reconciled and why they have not been reconciled.
  In the interest of justice we ask for the reader of this page to contact the President of the Greater New York Conference and ask him to send a conference representative to this "disciplinary hearing" to insure that proper procedure is followed and that the member gets a fair trial.

His e-mail address is
[email protected]
Please send a copy
which will be shared with the member
facing removal from the church
[email protected] 

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