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Reply from Orville Parchment - June 3, 2013
Reply from Orville Parchment
Assistant to Ted Wilson
----- Original Message -----
From: Parchment, Orville
To: Mario-one ; GNYC - Gerson Santos (2) Exec Secretary ; GNYC - Gerson Santos - Secretariat ; GNYC - Gerson Santos - Me.com ; GNYC - Gerson P. Santos - Exec Secy
Cc: GNYC - President - G. Earl Knight ; GNYC - Claude Morgan - RL Director ; [email protected] ; GAlexander Bryant ; 'Jackson, Dan' ; Doukmetzian, Karnik ; Finley, Mark
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2013 7:59 AM
Subject: Re: Message # 232 to Gerson Santos - - Ted Wilson's office clarifies the General Conference position that 'anyone can attend" the Ted Wilson series at Manhattan Church
Dear Mario:
 You have succeeded in taking my statements and comments completely out of context and have misrepresented what I said.  You might not post these comments, but for the record let me restate what I said to you rather than the words you have attributed to me.  First of all, you called me, I did not call you.  You called and left a message for me and I in doing the civil thing, returned your call.  I did not know who you were nor did you in any way explain who you were or what the purpose of your call was.  Your request to me was not for permission from the General Conference for these ladies to attend Ted Wilson's meeting, you simply asked me one question, "are evangelistic meetings open to the public".  To that question I answered you correctly, that is, that the meetings are open and anyone can attend.  You never explained to me the facts behind your question until after I answered your question. If you had, I would have told you as countless others have told you.  You cannot ask such a question without context and then use the answer to fit your crusade.   As you have been told, this matter is one for the local church and conference to deal with and from the information I have, they have dealt with it albeit not to your satisfaction.   If you are going to post any part of this email, please post it in its entirety so that those who read it will fully understand.
Orville Parchment
Assistant to the President
General Field Secretary
General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist