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Dispute over Content

Content of Promises of God section
still in dispute

    Another organization claims to own the content that should appear on this page
Article Adventists Today website about Lawsuit filed by Potomac Conference titled
Academy Alumni Conflict Leeds to Litigation in Tokoma Park, Maryland
An interesting part of this article that relates to this situation
“Most people do not realize this,” a retired denominational administrator told Adventist Today, pointing to a statement on page 3 of the complaint filed in Federal court: “Potomac Conference … owns … churches and schools.” This is the legal status of local churches and most schools in the Adventist denomination and has led to increasing numbers of conflicts related to the creation of affiliated and independent corporations for various church functions. “The key problem for church leaders is how do you motivate a sense of ownership on the part of members when, in fact, they have no real ownership?”
“If volunteers have to be sued to get them to do what the conference wants, how does that affect the larger picture of volunteerism in the church?” stated another veteran denominational employee asked to comment on this story. “Does it lead to a kind of passive-aggressive psychology among volunteers in local churches and schools? There are signs of declining volunteerism in most church programs at the same time that there is an increase in independent initiatives. There are very few people among the decision-makers who have any training in the management of volunteers.”

         The dispute over Ownership of this content has not been resolved by the local conference
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