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Open Letter to Don King - February 8, 2013

  Open  Letter  to  Don King
President of Atlantic Union Conference

                                                                                              February  8, 2013
Dear Don King:
     You did not respond to my inquiry about the date of the next meeting of the Atlantic Union Conference Executive Committee.  It is my hope that the members of your Executive Committee can convince you of the importance of safeguarding the integrity of organizational officers, and that it is your duty to call a meeting of the GNYC Executive Committee so that the process described in Working Policy L-60 section 15 can proceed in the proper venue.

NAD Working Policy L-60 section 15
   - Integrity of Organizational Officers -
 In the event the integrity or the moral or professional standing of an executive officer of a division, union, or local conference/mission/field is called into question, the process to be followed to safeguard the integrity of the ministry shall be as set out in the division policies. Should those processes fail and the matters involved be of such a character that the executive committee of the organization served by the officer is unable to resolve the difficulty, the matter shall be referred to the next higher organization. The administration of the higher organization shall call, and its president shall chair, a meeting of the executive committee of the organization served by the officer in question. The officers of the higher organization shall meet with the executive committee of the lower organization in an endeavor to resolve the matter, provided those exercising voting rights shall not exceed ten percent of the membership of the executive committee of the lower organization present.

  The result of your apparent neglect of duty since Dec. 11th  ( 59 days ) is that your own integrity has been questioned and you now stand accused of neglect of duty and professional misconduct since January 22nd  ( 17 days ).
   I was impressed to send you this text from the inspired writings of Ellen G. White . . 

Jesus loves you, and He has given me a message for you. His great heart of infinite tenderness yearns over you. He sends you the message that you may recover yourself from the snare of the enemy. You may regain your self-respect. You may stand where you regard yourself, not as a failure, but as a conqueror, in and through the uplifting influence of the Spirit of God. Take hold of the hand of Christ, and do not let it go. 
Medical Ministry,  page 43, paragraphs 2    also  { 1MCP 259.4 }  

   Notice that according to this quotation, the person snared may need to “regain his self-respect” but since you have not responded to the two ladies who have accused you or responded to any of my messages; I don’t think that you feel there is any problem with self respect and this quote does not apply to you.  You must be aware that you have lost the respect of the grieved ladies who were expecting you to correct the injustice done to them by following working policy L-60/15.  You are losing the respect of members of your constituency who believe an injustice has been done and they wonder why you do not consider your ‘integrity’ important enough to even answer the charges of misconduct against you. You are losing the respect of some Adventists in two on-line groups that are following this story; and you could lose the respect of thousands of Adventists who will hear about this in other on-line groups and Adventist media.
 I have been advised to insert a disclaimer at this point, stating that it is perceived that you are neglecting your duty because you have not responded to the matter referred to you when the L-60 process failed at the GNYC Executive Committee meeting on Dec. 11th and you have not responded to messages from me requesting you to follow the working policy, and you have not responded even when you where accused of misconduct by the grieved ladies.

Integrity of Organizational Officers, is the name given to this working policy by the North American Division. I believe when someone’s integrity is questioned, they can lose respect. You do not answer the accusation against you; this is causing you to lose respect from the people who know that you can help to resolve the situation at my church, this working policy makes it clear what needs to be done, and who needs to do it, but you do not do it. 
  The message quoted above from the pen of inspiration is addressed to someone who has been ‘snared by the enemy’ and needs to regain his self-respect, and regard himself, not as a failure. An example of a leader who failed was Saul and EGW tells us why. "because he set his will above the will of God."  see CC 174.5 - -  You may feel that the quotation above does not apply to you. However, you have failed to do your duty,  and do not respond to messages, and you make no effort to clear yourself of the charge against you. 
 Soon the Atlantic Union Conference Executive Committee will meet and if you take part in preventing them from investigating the accusations against you, some people will consider this as questionable conduct in itself. Eventually you will arrive at the point described by this paragraph above, and that you will need to regain your self-respect when you ask yourself, How did I let myself get into this situation?
 It seems that you have confidence that you are not neglecting your duty and that silence is the best response to the accusations brought against you by these grieved Adventist ladies. Eventually you will realize that when accused of neglect of duty, silence is a poor defense.  Yet you have remained silent to a similar charge brought against you in 2011 and even after you caused a working policy to fail in Sept. 2011; it appears that you have not suffered any loss. However, this situation is different from 2011 in that there is a video of the incident with the police. I gave you a copy of this video personally on Dec. 8th. It is also different because the charges against the ladies are not credible, even to the police, nor have the charges been investigated by the Greater New York Conference.
Your confidence is not from knowing that you have done your duty, for anyone will tell you that the best defense to accusations of neglect of duty is to actually do the duty you are accused of neglecting. Therefore, it is my opinion that your confidence seems to be rooted in the self-respect that you feel you have not lost; and this can be called ‘self-confidence.’
It is my opinion that you have been snared by the enemy. I am not the enemy, I am trying to help you realize what has happened. Please consider another quotation from the inspired writings of EGW.  .  .

I speak to the youth as one who knows, as one to whom the Lord has opened the perils that attend their pathway. Self-confidence will lead you into the snare of the enemy.  The youth do not ask counsel of God, and make Him their refuge and strength. They enter society with all assurance, confident that they are fully able to choose the right and to comprehend divine mysteries, because of their powers of reason, as though they could discover truth for themselves.  
Messages for Young People , page 87, paragraph 

        Click on the LINK to see more texts about ‘Self-confidence’ and ‘the snare of the enemy’
Your ‘self-confidence’ is leading you to the same place that the first text brings you because your integrity has been questioned and the result of that is loss of respect. But Jesus loves you and I care about you enough to warn you about what you are doing to yourself.
 Jesus loves you - - and He has given me a message for you.

Jesus loves you, and He has given me a message for you. His great heart of infinite tenderness yearns over you. He sends you the message that you may recover yourself from the snare of the enemy. You may regain your self-respect. You may stand where you regard yourself, not as a failure, but as a conqueror, in and through the uplifting influence of the Spirit of God. Take hold of the hand of Christ, and do not let it go. 
Medical Ministry, page 43, paragraph 2   also   { 1MCP 259.4 }  

You are neglecting to follow Working Policy L-60 section 15 - and it is my hope that the members of your Executive Committee will be able to convince you to do your duty and thus clear yourself of the accusations made against you. You can do this by calling a meeting of the Greater New York Conference Executive Committee in accordance with this working policy, so that they can investigate the matter that they have been prevented from investigating.
 Please tell me the date of the next meeting of the Atlantic Union Conference Executive Committee.

In God We Trust
Concerned Member of Manhattan Church

For information related to this message see Open Letter to leaders of Greater New York Conference dated October 20, 2012.    Click Here


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Phyllis Lee
2013-04-30 3:25 PM

It is always better to sign your name to any letter that you desire to have looked at officially and responded to by anyone. To just sign as a "concerned member" is not an acceptable way to address an issue. You may as well sign "anonymous" which would get just about the same amount of attention from leadership.

Mario Pietravalle
2013-04-30 4:54 PM

Thank you for your comment. The letter was sent to Don King with my name, it was also sent to the members of the Atlantic Union Conference Executive Committee who he prevented from investigating his conduct on Feb. 13, 2013.  I am not the person who accused him of misconduct, and so I thought my name might confuse the reader. He was accused by two Adventist ladies who live in New York City. 
After Don King caused the working policy to fail, letters were sent to the administrators of the NAD. As I write this Dan Jackson has been asked to follow this working policy and call a meeting of the AUC Exec. Committee to investigate the chrages against Don King, Carlyle Simmons and Leon Thomassian.
They may ignore my name on these letters, but God holds them accountable if they ignore the working policy of the Church.  4/30/2013
