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Women's Ordination (under construction)
Our  own  article  on  Women's  Ordination
Recent events in some Union Conferences have brought to the forefront the issue of women's ordination to the ministry.  For years, this issue has been studied by various committees with no result that is satisfying to all.  In its most recent undertaking on the issue, the General Conference administration has undertaken to put together one more committee with the charge to make recommendations to the General Conference Executive Committee in the Fall of 2014 on how to resolve the issue of women's ordination.  These recommendations will be considered, and the Executive Committee will then decide what to present to the world body at the 2015 session of the General Conference for consideration so that the Seventh-day Adventist Church may be able to bring resolution to this on-going internal controversy.

The chairman of the new committee on ordination recently stated that this issue is too big for any one or 100 of us to solve -- it can only be resolved by God.
So what are the perspectives on women's ordination?  What passages from Scripture and the Spirit of Prophecy do all these perspectives use to support their positions?  In a church that usually seems to have a firm grasp on its beliefs on just about any issue, why has this controversy persisted for so long without resolution?  What are the findings by previous study committees?  What are the dynamics in the modern Adventist Church that affect the politics of this issue?  Is this issue more cultural or theological?

These and other questions will be grappled with in a forthcoming comprehensive investigative article.  Stay tuned to this webpage.
In the meantime, if you have questions or comments on this topic while the research is on-going, please feel free to forward them to the webmaster.
See a summary of article about Ordination of Women Pastors published in Fulcrum7 - Oct. 10, 2018
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