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Prayer in the Bible
 Effective Prayers in the Bible
Moses' prayer of intercession  - -  Exodus 32: 31, 32
Hannah prays for a child  - -  I Samuel 1: 4 - 18
Solomon's prayer at dedication of the temple - - I Kings 8: 22 - 53
Elijah's prayer on Mt. Carmel  - -  I Kings 18: 36, 37
Elisha's prayer in Dothan  - -  2 Kings 6: 17
David's prayer to stay the plague  - - 1 Chronicles 21: 17  (also 2 Samuel 24: 17 )
Jehoshaphat's prayer in crisis  - -   2 Chronicles 20: 5 -12
Daniel's prayer for his people  - -  Daniel 9: 1 - 19
Christ's sample prayer (the Lord's Prayer) - - Matthew 9: 9 -13 
Christ's intercessory prayer  - -  John 17
Christ's prayer in Gethsemane - - Matthew 26: 36 - 46
Christ's prayer on the cross - - Luke 23: 46
The disciples prayer at sea - - Matthew 8: 25
other prayers in Old Testament
Leviticus 26: 40 - 45   - - -   I Samuel 7: 5   - - -   I Kings 18: 41 - 46 
2 Chronicles 33: 13   - - -    Jeremiah 29: 7
other prayers in New Testament
Matthew 5: 44  - - -  Matthew 6: 5 - 8  - - -  Luke 1:13; 6: 12  - - -  Acts 1: 14  - - -  Acts 16: 25
Romans 10: 1  - - -  2 Corinthians 12: 7 - 10   - - -   Ephesians 1: 16  - - -   James 5: 14 - 18
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   Principles  of  effective  prayer
Faith in God and His promises.  Hebrews 11: 6;  Matthew 21: 21, 22
Persistence  -  Luke 11: 5-13; Luke 18: 1 - 8
Earnestness  -  Jeremiah 29: 13, 14
Humility  -  Luke 18: 10 - 14
Unselfishness  -  James 4: 3
Attitude of obedience to God  -  Proverbs 15: 29   Proverbs 29: 9
Submission to God's will  -  Matthew 6: 10   Matthew 26: 39
Dependence on Jesus Christ  -  John 14: 13, 14
Desire to Advance God's kingdom  -  Matthew 6: 9, 10
Forgiving spirit  -  Matthew 6: 14, 15
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