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Forum - Bulletin Board - Discussions

          -  http://www.diggingfortruth.org/forum/  -

There are many pages on this website where you can post a comment. However, some people have asked for more, and have asked if some content on these pages can be discussed on-line.
Our Forum was created on August 31, 2010 utilizing the latest version of MyBB software. Any page on this website can be discussed on the Forum.  As of January 11, 2011 over 300 people have registered on the Forum
Pages on this website that have an existing thread on the Forum will show an icon at the bottom of the page, you can login to the Forum and join the discussion.
 If you find a page that is not connected to the Forum - you can start a discussion or add your comments. We encourage you to join the Forum and start a thread with the name of the page (and the URL). Ask the question or describe the topic you would like discussed. We will monitor the Forum and add the icon below to the webpage and LINK this page of the website to the Forum.
           This icon will appear at the bottom of a page on the website that has one or more discussions existing on the Forum
To join the Forum - click on the LINK (top right of this page) and register. You will need to register a user name, and we ask that you put some information about yourself on the profile page. If you are a LINKEDin user, you can add the URL for your LINKEDin profile.

We will use the icon on right to promote the Forum on the website              
Here is a partial list of pages that have been connected to the Forum
Spirit of Prophecy page - - Favorite EGW Quotes - - Visions of EGW - - Seal of God - - Duty of Confession, RH Dec. 16, 1890 - - Central Park Fellowship - - Religious Liberty - - Changes to the Church Manual - - Thursday Night Conference Call Study group - - Annual Council of October 2010 - - What Day was Jesus Really Born On study - - new Mark Finley book, 'Revive Us Again'
We will refine this as the Forum grows. 
If you have any questions or suggestions - send them to  mario-one (at)  nyc.rr.com