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LINKEDin Group for NY13 - Revelation of Hope
LINKEDin group supporting  NY  13  
Evangelism to New York City
     -  LINKEDin group established Oct. 6, 2012  -
NY13 - Revelation of Hope 

URL To join group:   http://www.linkedin.com/groups/NY13-Revelation-Hope-912757/about 
The group called  E-ventists in New York City was renamed NY13 - Revelation of Hope on Oct. 6.
We are in the process of organizing the group and inviting new members.
Official  website  for  NY13  is  http://www.ny13.org/

 The weekend Rally will begin on Friday, September 21, and conclude on Sabbath evening, September 22 at theNorth Bronx Seventh-day Adventist Church, 3743 Bronxwood Ave., Bronx, N.Y.

Click on video above to watch  
Guest speakers include:  

- Carlton Byrd, Breath of Life speaker /director;
- Mark Finley, General Conference assistant to the president;
- Ted Wilson, General Conference president;
- Abraham Jules, Pathway of Hope speaker; and a special broadcast in -- Spanish with Robert Costa, General Conference.
 Schedule of speakers 
Let's Move Day 2012 - Sept. 23rd

NY13  Communications  Team
NY13 - Communication Team
- Rohann Wellington,  Chair, Greater New York Conference; 
- George Johnson,  North American Division; 
- Ednor Davison,  Atlantic Union Conference; 
- Celeste Ryan-Blyden,  Columbia Union Conference; 
- JeNean Johnson,  Northeastern Conference; 
- Frank Tochterman,  Southern New England Conference; 
- Robert Booker,  Allegheny East Conference; 
- Jim Greene,  New Jersey Conference
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