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Potomac Conference takes member to court for trespassing
Testimony of witness to be given at Trial on Aug. 19, 2012

 The Vice President for Education at the Potomac Conference filed charges that a member was on the property of Takoma Academy on Sept. 2, 2011.  A witness says differently.

To lean upon the arm of the law is a disgrace to Christians; yet this evil has been brought in and cherished among the Lord's chosen people. Worldly principles have been stealthily introduced, until in practice many of our workers are becoming like the Laodiceans--half-hearted, because so much dependence is placed on lawyers and legal documents and agreements. Such a condition of things is abhorrent to God."  -- Manuscript 128, 1903. {3SM 303.3}
"This action of appealing to human courts, never before entered into by Seventh-day Adventists, has now been done. God has permitted this that you who have been deceived may understand what power is controlling those who have had entrusted to them great responsibilities. Where are God's sentinels? Where are the men who will stand shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart, with the truth, present truth for this time, in possession of the heart?" [ Jer. 6:10, 13-17; 5:18, quoted.]  {20MR 320.4}

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