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The person accused of criminal trespassing on church owned property (ie: Takoma Academy) provided me with several documents relating to the criminal charges brought against him by Keith Hallam.

Below is a copy of an e-mail from Keith Hallam to the accused which mentions that he was given permission to be on the property ( in bold blue ).  This highlighting does not appear on the original message

I assume that the original e-mail will be introduced as evidence at the trial.
I was also given a copy of the criminal court complaint listing Dec. 16 - 18, 2011 as the time of the second trespass. This corresponds to the time permission was granted to him by Keith. 

Several questions arise from this document and I hope that Keith Hallam will allow the members of the LINKEDin EDUCATION group to ask questions.

Posted with permission:  July 18, 2012

On Mon. Dec. 19, 2011 at 8: 14 AM, Keith Hallam  (e-mail address removed)

Greetings _____,
Thank you for taking my call Friday evening.  I am saddened by your choice not to communicate a request to be on campus ahead of time.  Your action did not help your position with the board.  I have informed the board that my response was to grant you permission for the remainder of only this past weekend.  
I need to reiterate that I do not have the authority to lift the ban that the board has placed into action and that the ban has not been lifted.  It is my desire to have reconciliation between you and the board.  My advice is to carefully reconsider your position to take actions without regard to others.  While you may not agree with decisions you still have an accountability factor to be aware of.
I will be communicating with you shortly after the New Year begins to share some counsel on what would be helpful for you as you proceed from here. Until the New Year I will be away from the office.  I will continue to seek God for wisdom as we progress together.  May He grant us His spirit and understanding. 
I wish you a very blessed holiday season and a wonderful New Year.

Keith L Hallam
VP for Education
Potomac Conference