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Wake up the Watchmen ( 18 )

Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

wake  up  the  watchmen

Those who claim to be identified with the message that God has given us should have keen, clear spiritual perceptions, that they may distinguish truth from error. The word spoken by the messenger of God is "Wake up the watchmen." If men will discern the spirit of the messages given and strive to find out from what source they come, the Lord God of Israel will guard them from being led astray.-- Manuscript Release 760, pp. 9, 10. {YRP 235.4}

I am charged to wake up the watchmen. The end of all things is at hand. Now is the accepted time. Let our ministers and presidents of conferences exercise their tact and skill in presenting the truth before large numbers of people in our cities. As you labor in simplicity, hearts will be melted. Bear in mind that as you deliver the testing message for this time, your own heart will be softened and quickened by the subduing influence of the Holy Spirit, and you will have souls for your hire. As you stand before multitudes in the cities, remember that God is your helper, and that by His blessing you may bear a message of a character to reach the hearts of the hearers.-- Manuscript 53, 1910.  {Ev 71.2}

"Wake up the watchmen," is the word of the Lord to his messengers. At this time the truth is to go forth with power, for the time in which to work is short. There is danger that those who hold meetings in our cities will be satisfied with doing a surface work. Let the ministers and the presidents of our conferences arouse to the importance of doing a thorough work. Let them labor and plan with the thought in mind that time is nearly ended, and that because of this they must work with redoubled zeal and energy. Let them seek the Lord earnestly, pressing their petitions to his throne until they are assured that their prayers are answered.  {RH, January 11, 1912 par. 11}
I appeal to our brethren who have heard the message for many years. It is time to wake up the watchmen. I have expended my strength in giving the messages the Lord has given me. The burden of the needs of our cities has rested so heavily upon me that it has sometimes seemed that I should die. May the Lord give wisdom to our brethren, that they may know how to carry forward the work in harmony with the will of the Lord.-- Manuscript 13, 1910.  {Ev 34.4}
As a people we are not half awake to a sense of our necessities and to the times in which we live. Wake up the watchmen. Our first work should be to search our hearts and to become reconverted. We have no time to lose upon unimportant issues. -- Letter 46, 1910.  {MM 304.2}
Those who take hold of the work at this time are not to repeat the mistakes that have been made in the past, when men have sought to control and rule their fellow workers. God forbids that this spirit shall come into his work. Another message than this is to be borne. Those who have felt a burden to place yokes on the necks of their brethren who desired to labor, are called upon to repent and be converted. "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near." The message of the third angel is to go forth with a loud voice. Wake up the watchmen; leave them not to settle back in their death-like slumber.  {RH, July 23, 1908 par. 10}
We are certainly living in the closing days of this earth's history. We need to devote much time to our spiritual interests, if we would experience the spiritual growth that is essential in this age. We are to make decided reforms. The Voice said: The watchmen need to awake, and give the trumpet a certain sound. The morning cometh; and also the night. Wake up, My watchmen. Voices that should now be heard presenting the truth are silent. Souls are perishing in their sins, and ministers and physicians and teachers are asleep. Wake up the watchmen!   -  {PUR, February 20, 1908 par. 8}
I appeal to those who for many years have known the truth. It is time to wake up the watchmen. I have expended my strength in giving the message that the Lord has given me. The burden of our cities has rested so heavily upon me that it has sometimes seemed that I should die. The work in the cities is the essential work for this time, and is now to be taken hold of in faith. When the cities are worked as God would have them, the result will be the setting in operation of a mighty movement, such as we have not yet witnessed. May the Lord give wisdom to our brethren, that they may know how to carry forward the work in harmony with his will. With mighty power the cry is to be sounded in our large centers of population, "Behold, the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him."  {RH, November 17, 1910 par. 8}

wake up the watchmen

I have been instructed that the messages given in the past are to be revived, and that it is essential that as brethren and sisters, we be joined together in the bonds of sacred union in the accomplishment of the work before us. The world knows very little of the truths that we believe, and in clear, straight lines the message for this time must be given to all the world. The message comes to me, "Wake up the watchmen. Let every one now come into working order."  {RH, April 19, 1906 par. 5}

The Lord has instructed me to say to his people that he demands a deeper consecration on their part, in every conference, in every church, in every household. Said the messenger: Speak to the leading men, saying, You should give to the people an example of what may be done by the human agent in holy living by coming into close relation to God. Do all in your power to send home the messages of warning that have been given. Wake up the watchmen; for their unbelief has paralyzed the efforts of many who would become workers.  {RH, July 23, 1908 par. 1}

The words were spoken to me with impelling power: Wake up the watchmen to carry the word of warning to every city in America. Build up the waste places. The righteous judgments of God, with their weight of final decision, are coming upon the land. Do not hover over the churches to repeat over and over again the same truths to the people, while the cities are left in ignorance and sin, unwarned and unlabored for. Soon the way will be hedged up and these cities will be closed to the gospel message. Wake up the church members that they may unite in doing a definite and self-denying work.  {10MR 216.2}

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