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Laws of the Bible ( Criminal and Civil Laws )

The Laws of the Bible - Criminal and Civil Laws

           Description > Old Testament New Test
Abortion - Exodus 21: 22  
Accusation, False - Exodus 23: 1,7    
Actions at Law ( Lawsuits ) -   I Corinthians 6: 7
Adultery - Exodus 20: 14 Exodus 22: 16  
Agricultural Laws - separate page  
Appeal in court - Exodus 18: 22-26  
Arson - Exodus 22: 6    
Assault and Battery - Exidus 21: 12 - 14    
Bigamy (see Polygamy) -      
Blasphemy - Exodus 20: 7    
Bribery - Exodus 23: 8 Deut. 27: 25  
Cheating (see Fraud) - Lev. 19: 13 Lev. 19: 35-36 Mark 10: 19
Contracts - Lev. 6: 1-5 Jer. 32: 10  
Damages (compensation) -      
Debtor -      
Deed to Land -      
Divorce -      
Drunkenness - Deut. 21: 20   Gal. 5: 21
Employee - Lev. 19: 13 Deut. 24: 14  
Employer - Lev. 25: 43   Eph. 6: 9
Evidence - Exodus 20: 16 Lev. 5: 1
Deut. 17: 6
Extortion - see Lex Talionis    
False Witness - Exodus 20: 16 Ex. 23: 1  
Familiar Spirits - Lev. 19: 31 Lev. 20: 6, 27  
Fine - Exodus 22: 1 - 9 Lev. 6: 5  
Forcible Entry - Exodus 22: 2 - 4    
Fraud - Lev. 19: 13, 35    
Gleaning - Lev. 19: 9 - 10 Deut. 24: 19-21  
Glutton - Deut 21: 21    
Gossip - Lev. 19: 16    
Heresy - Deut. 13: 1 - 18    
Homicide - Intentional
Exodus 21: 12
Not Intentional
Exodus 21: 13
Incest - Lev. 18: 16-18 Lev. 20: 11-21  
Interest - Usury
Deut. 23: 19
Deut: 23: 20
Judicial Corruption  (Bribery) - Lev. 19: 15 Mic. 3: 11  
Kidnapping - Exodus 21: 16    
Larceny    ( Theft ) - Exodus 20: 15 Lev. 6: 2-6  
Manslaughter - Num. 35: 21 Deut: 35: 21  

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