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Book of Genesis - Outline
Summary of Chapters
Book  of  Genesis  -  Outline

I - From the Creation of the World to Abraham

Chapter 1: 1  through  11: 26
A.  The Creation of Heaven and Earth  ( 1:1 to 2: 25 )
     ►  The six Days of Creation                       - -   l: 1 - 31
     ►  The Institution of the Sabbath               - -  2: 1 - 3
     ►  Details of man'w creation and the Garden of Eden  - - -2: 4 - 25

B.  The history of the Fall and its immediate results
    1. The Temptation and Fall                 - -   3:  1 - 8
     2.  The explusion from the garden    - -   3:  9 - 24
     3.  Cain and Abel                                  - -   4: 1 - 15
     4.  The Cainites                                     - -   4: 16 - 24
     5.  The Generations from Adam to Noah    -  -  4: 25 to 5: 32


C.  The Deluge  ( great flood )
Gen.  6: 1  to  9: 17

    1.   The degeneracy of the antediluvians    -  -  6:  1 to 13
    2.   The building of the Ark                             -  -  6: 14 to 22
    3.   The narrative of the Flood                       -  -  7:  1 to 8: 14
    4.   The Covenant with Noah                          -  -  8: 15 to 9: 17

D.  From  Noah  to  Abraham
Gen.  9: 18  to  11: 26

    1.   The destinies of Noah's sons                   -  -    9:  18 to 29
    2.   The table of nations                                   -  -  10:    1 to 32
    3.   The confusion of tongues of Babel         -  -  11:    1 to 9
    4.   The generations from Shem to Abraham   -  11:  10 to 26



I I  -  The Patriarchs Abraham and Isaac
Gen. 11: 27 - 26: 35

A:   Abram      ( 11: 27 to 16: 16 )
                 1.  Call and Journey to Canaan                 -  -   11: 27 to 12: 9
                 2.  Egyptian experience                               - -  12: 10 to 20
                 3.  Separation from Lot                                 - -  13:  1 to 18
                 4.  Rescue of Lot, meeting with Mekchizedek  -  - 14:  1 to 24
                 5.   Covenant with God                                 - -  15:  1 to 21
                            God's Promise to Abram      Gen. 15: 13-14
                 6.   Marriage with Hagar, birth of Ishmael  - -  16: 1 to 16

B.  Abraham    ( 17: 1 to 25: 18 )
      1.  Renewal of covenant, named Abraham, Circumcision   -  -  17: 1 to 27
      2.  Abraham and the angels, destruction of Sodom       -  -  18: 1 to 19: 38
      3.  Experience at Gerar, Isaac born, Ishmael expelled  -  -  20: 1 to 21: 34
      4.  Abrahams extreme test                  -  -   22: 1 to 24
      5.  Sarah's Death and burial                -  -   23: 1 to 20
      6.  Isaac's marriage to Rebekah         -  -   24: 1 to 67


C.    Isaac       ( 25: 19  to  26: 35 )
          1.   Isaac's sons                                 - -  25: 19 to 34
          2.   Isaac and Abimelech at Gerar   - -  26:   1 to 35



I I I  -  The Patriarch Jacob
        Gen. 27:1  to  36: 43

A.   Jacob, the supplanter    ( 27: 1 to 31:55 )
      1.   Jacob receives a blessing by deception   -  -   27:  1 to 46

      2.  Jacob's flight and the vision at Bethel        -  -  28:  1 to 22

      3.   Jacob works for his wives and rears a family  - -   29: 1 to 30: 43

      4.   Jacob's flight from Laban         - -  31: 1 to 55


B.   Israel, a prince with God   ( 32: 1 to 36: 43 )
      1.  Jacob returns to Canaan, the Peniel experience       - -   32: 1 to 33: 20
                      Jacob's Night of Anguish  -  -  -  -  Gen. 32: 24 - 30 

      2.   Disgrace at Shechem, domestic troubles            -  -   34: 1 to 35: 29

      3.  Esau's descendents             - -  36: 1 to 43



IV.   Joseph, a Savior  
( 37: 1 to 50: 26 )

    A.   Joseph and his brethren      -  -   37: 1 - 36

    B.   Judah's fall                              -  -   38: 1 to 30

    C.   Joseph's stand for principle   -  -   39: 1 to 40: 23

    D.   Joseph becomes savior of Egypt   -  -  41: 1 to 57

    E.   Joseph and his brethren                   -  -  42: 1 to 45: 28

    F.   Jacob goes to Egypt                          -  -  46: 1  to  47: 31

   G.   Jacob's Blessings                               -  -   48: 1  to  49: 33

   H.   The death of Jacob and of Joseph   -  -  50:  1 to 26 




Summary  of  EGW  Comments

Chapter 47  
1 - 31   PP  233-234
2 - 4   PP 233
6   PP 233, 241, SR 104;  ST 180
7  PP 233
11, 12  SR 104
12, 23, 24    PP 241
28   PP 233
29, 30    PP  234

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