Christian Education

Selected quotations about Education from the writings of Ellen White
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Principles of True Education |
Appears in Manuscript Number 882 |
Levity Among Students Harmful to Character Development -- It is the spirit of the age to despise restraint, to desire to follow inclination, to jest and joke and be jolly in amusement with young ladies; and the result has been wrecks of character, encouragement to impurity, licentiousness, immorality, and marriages which have ruined the usefulness and efficiency of men and women who had ability and talents, but who have been unable to rise to any noble heights after their unwise marriages. . . . {11MR 154.1} |
Separation of the Sexes -- They [certain school administrators] cannot see any harm in the young people's being in one another's society, paying attention to each other, flirting, courting, marrying and giving in marriage. This is the main engrossment of this time with the worldlings, and genuine Christians will not follow their example, but will come out from all these things and be separate. {11MR 154.2} |
In our sanitarium, our college, our offices of publication, and in every mission, the strictest rules must be enforced. Nothing can so effectually demoralize these institutions, and our missions, as the want of prudence and watchful reserve in the association of young men and young women.-- Ms. 4a, 1885, pp. 30, 33. ("Counsel to Physicians and Medical Students," July 27, 1885.) {11MR 154.3} |
The Place of Bible Study in SDA Schools -- All the teachers in this school [South Lancaster Academy] should be men and women of principle and connected with God. We do not live in this world merely to please ourselves, but it is our duty, every one of us, to make the most of our God-given ability in order that we may uplift humanity that is around us. I have felt so interested in the education of the youth that I have said to individuals, "If you will go to our schools I will see that your expenses are met," but I cannot feel at ease to do nothing in this matter. {11MR 155.1} |
We know that there is a question whether the Bible should be brought in as one branch of the education. Why, it should be the main branch. We think that the Bible contains a knowledge of the very highest and loftiest science, and why should we not make it, as we are making it, a speciality in educating the children. We know skepticism and infidelity are dwelling in our land and we want to bring up the youth that they will become acquainted with history and there is nothing that can elevate the mind and understanding like the opening of their minds to the Scriptures.-- Ms. 19, 1887, pp. 1, 2. (A sermon on "A Practical Education," August 18, 1887.) {11MR 155.2} |
Schools and Sanitariums Should Be Established in Many Rural Locations -- True missionary workers will not colonize. God's people are to be pilgrims and strangers on the earth. The investment of large sums of money in the building up of the work in one place is not in the order of God. Plants are to be made in many places. Schools and sanitariums are to be established in places where there is now nothing to represent the truth. These interests are not to be established for the purpose of making money, but for thepurpose of spreading the truth. Land should be secured at a distance from the cities, on which schools can be built up, and where the youth can be instructed in agricultural and mechanical lines of work. . . . {11MR 155.3} |
What can I say to our people that will lead them to follow the course that will be for the present and future good? Will not those in Battle Creek heed the light given them by God? Will they not deny self, lift the cross, and follow Jesus? Will they not obey the call of their Leader to leave Battle Creek and build up interests in other places? Will they not go to the dark places of the earth to tell the story of the love of Christ, trusting in God to give them success? {11MR 156.1} |
It is not the Lord's plan, but human devising, for our people to crowd into Battle Creek.-- Ms. 12, 1889, pp. 1, 2. ("Establish the Work in Many Places," 1889.) {11MR 156.2} |
Establish Schools Like the Schools of the Prophets -- There are schools that may be established, not in the elaborate way of Union College or of Battle Creek College, but after a more simple style, with humble buildings, and then there should be teachers who will conduct them after God's plan as nearly as they can understand, after the school of the prophets.-- Ms. 14a, 1897, p. 2. ("Work for the Fallen," Feb. 14, 1897.) {11MR 156.3} |
Mischievous Students Receive No Benefit From School, and Hinder Others - Nothing is to be tolerated in the school that will counterwork the very object for which the school was established. In believing and receiving the truth, we may be doers of the word of Christ. Thus day by day we receive grace sufficient for the duties and trials of the day. But no students should be allowed to remain connected with the school who allow their own mischievous, cheap, common, practices to control their whole mind. They themselves receive no good, and others are hindered from receiving good. Satan takes possession of them, and works through them to bring, not only their own souls into captivity, but the souls of other youth, who have not moral power sufficient to say, "We have had enough of this malarious atmosphere which poisons our thoughts." By their words students can confess or deny Christ.-- Ms. 81, 1897, pp. 5, 6. ("Counsels to Students," July 7, 1897.) {11MR 156.4} |
Focus Attention on the Cross of Christ -- Educators who will not work in these lines [Christian education] are not worthy of the name they bear. Teachers, turn from the examples of the world; cease to extol the professedly great men; turn the minds of your students from the glory of everything save the cross of Christ. That cross is to be bravely and manfully borne. Christ declares, "Whosoever will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me" (Mark 8:34). And to all who will lift it and bear it after Christ, the cross is to them a pledge of the crown of immortality which they shall receive, which can never fade away.--Ms. 11, 1898, p. 6. ("Word of God as a Study Book," Feb. 4, 1898.) {11MR 157.1} |
Students to Impart as They Have Received -- Every soul is to obtain an education with the object in view of imparting his knowledge to others. The powers of the mind are God's gift, and we are to use them to benefit and bless the members of the human family. As the mind is enlarged by true knowledge, the heart will be softened and subdued into humility, kindness, and true love. We are to gather all the knowledge possible for the purpose of communicating the same that it may become the property of others.-- Ms. 54, 1898, pp. 3, 4. ("Our School," May 2, 1898.) {11MR 157.2} |
Bible Teaching in SDA Schools Not to Be Restricted to One Man -- In our schools the work of opening the Scriptures to the students is not to be left to only one teacher. This would not be wisdom. Other minds should be brought in. One man may seem well able to present the truth, and yet this is not evidence that he should teach the students from the Word of God term after term. Others should aid in this work, for it is a great work.-- Ms. 158, 1898, pp. 3, 4. ("The Gift of the Holy Spirit," Dec. 7, 1898.) {11MR 158.1} |
The Benefits of Schools in the Country -- It seems strange to everybody that we should be located in the woods. But we do not want our students to be near the city. We know that even though we bring them into the country we cannot escape from all evil. We have a public house [saloon] here, and not long ago a man left this public house drunk. As he was crossing a bridge he fell from his horse and was killed. But in the country the youth are away from the sights and the sounds of the city. We desire to take the students away from the foul atmosphere of the city. Not that Satan is not here. He is here, but we are trying to do all we can to place the students in the very best circumstance in order that they may fasten their eyes on Christ. . . . {11MR 158.2} |
Some parents, because their children say, "I am tired of the Bible," try in every way to manage so that they will have not have so much Bible. I say, Give children and youth the Bible as their study book. God will work with children and youth who give themselves to Him. Samuel was educated for the Lord in his youth, and God passed by the hoary-headed Eli and conversed with the child Samuel.-- Ms. 99, 1899, pp. 7, 8, 10. (Talk given on July 20, 1899). {11MR 159.1} |
The Danger of Presenting to Students Things That Make God's Word of None Effect -- Those who present the truth should be men of solid minds, who will not lead their hearers into a field of thistles, as it were, and there leave them. What is the chaff to the wheat? There are those teaching others who need that one teach them how to labor for the present and eternal good of those they instruct. Some readily catch up trivial theories, calling them truth, and neglecting for them the immortal principles which must be interwoven with the life-experience of him who is saved. They are ready to open the mind to any fallacy that is presented. These are in danger of bringing in vain things which make of none effect the important truths of God's Word. This Word is the Lord's revealed will, given for the instruction of His people. Let no one bring dishonor to the precious truth by mingling with it theories which have no foundation in the Word of God.-- Ms. 70, 1901, pp. 8, 9. ("What Is the Chaff to the Wheat?" July 20, 1901.) {11MR 159.2} |
The ABC's of True Education -- All who are engaged in teaching the youth in our schools must have as the foundation of their knowledge the fear of God, for this is the beginning of wisdom. They may have had years of training, and yet [may] not have touched the very beginning, the ABC of spirituality, the ABC of devotion, the ABC of self-sacrifice. The science of education is to love God, and to keep His commandments. Study the Word of God intelligently. It is the foundation of all education.-- Ms. 84, 1901, pp. 1, 2. ("Teachers to Have a Living Experience," August 20, 1901.) {11MR 159.3} |
The Bible to Be the Foundation of Education in SDA Schools -- In many places we have established our educational institutions. Our schools and our sanitariums are to reach a high standard. The Bible is to be made the great educational book. It is the Book of books, that gives us a knowledge of Him whom to know aright is life eternal. It is to be made the foundation of all true education.-- Ms. 49, 1908, p. 6. ("Lessons From the Experiences of Pentecost," May 9, 1908.) {11MR 160.1} |
Flesh Foods and Other Unhealthful Preparations Not to Be Served in SDA Schools - - I have been instructed that the students in our schools are not to be served with flesh foods or with food preparations that are known to be unhealthful.-- Ms. 37, 1909, p. 4. ("Faithfulness in Health Reform" May 30, 1909.) {11MR 160.2} |
Demoralizing Effect of Games on Students Contrasted With Benefits of Physical Labor -- The Healdsburg College has been presented to me as being demoralized by disgraceful games. Games have been allowed such as God disapproves. It was to prevent this kind of thing that the Lord gave counsel to the effect that students should learn useful trades. . . .{11MR 160.3} Where were these watchmen when these unseemly games and athletic sports, these trials of animal strength and exhibition of physical skill were in progress? Students could have had this class of education at home. . . . {11MR 161.1} |
Labor should be connected with study, and through following a course of this kind an all-sided, well-balanced education will be the result. This is the rational method through which souls may be barricaded against evil influences. In this way the mind may be preserved in its soundness, and the nervous energies may be regulated. Combining manual labor with the study of the sciences will preserve the living machinery in excellent condition, and by taking proper exercise, the mind may be taxed and yet not sustain injury in any degree. {11MR 161.2} |
But do not substitute play, pugilistic boxing, football, matched games, and animal exercises, for manual training. All of this stripe and type should be vigilantly prohibited from the school grounds.-- Letter 27, 1895, pp. 1-3. (To F. Howe, May 21, 1895.) {11MR 161.3} |
Do Not Enlarge Battle Creek College; Scatter Out - - Large gatherings in Battle Creek are a great mistake. Do you think the Lord can be well pleased to have still larger preparations made to accommodate a larger number of students when such definite light has been given upon this subject, and instead of distributing the light into many places of the earth it is concentrated at Battle Creek, and many do not appreciate or improve the light that is given them?-- Letter 61, 1895, p. 7. (To. O. A. Olsen, Feb. 2, 1895.){11MR 161.4} |
Schools Not to Run in Debt -- In regard to the school's running in debt: The tuition has been altogether too low in America. Cannot those who conduct the schools in America understand that this is the only way out? Why do they keep the price so low? An increase in price of educational advantages would stop that increasing debt. The students are to be fed and they need good, nourishing food. They should not be stinted in the wholesome fruit and vegetarian diet; but cut off everything like the desserts. Let abundance of fruit be eaten with the meals, but custards and pastries are of no manner of use, all unnecessary. {11MR 162.1} |
Now when the wise heads officiating in our schools study to run the school upon a sum wholly, insufficient, year after year, they are engaged in a work that will bring debts. It cannot be prevented. They have begun this policy at Cooranbong [Avondale College], and the very same results will follow. There is no justice, or requirement of God, for them to make such loose calculations. They make it necessary to practice the closest economy and it is not always wise to bring down the diet as a means of avoiding debts. Economy must be practiced in every line to keep afloat and not be drowned with debts; but there is to be an increase in the sum paid for tuition.-- Letter 137, 1898, p. 11. (To Brethren Irwin, Evans, Smith, and Jones, April 21, 1898.) {11MR 162.2} |
"Reformatory" Schools Needed Because of Parental Failure -- Our school [Avondale College] is not what is usually termed a "reformatory" school, yet it is so in fact; and every child and youth is to be brought under strict discipline, for many parents have failed in understanding their accountability as parents.-- Letter 97, 1899, p. 2. (To Mrs. Chick, June 26, 1899.) {11MR 162.3} |
Schools to Operate on a Sound Financial Basis -- Altogether too large sums of money have been invested in the school building at Battle Creek, and too little wisdom and brain power has been brought into the practical methods to stop the increasing indebtedness of each year. It would have been far better to have closed the school until it should become a science how to conduct the schools in different localities on a paying system. . . . {11MR 163.1} |
The Lord is not pleased, for it reveals a lack of judgment with the kind of management that has been revealed in the past. Let teachers take less wages, and let the students' fees be raised. Let the strictest economy be practiced in the provisions made for the table. Let the one who has charge of the cooking gather up the fragments, that nothing be lost.-- Letter 104, 1899. (To S. N. Haskell, August 1, 1899.) {11MR 163.2} |
Students to Avoid Food That Taxes the Body and Dulls the Mind -- From this we see what an important part a simple diet acts in preparing students to hold positions of trust. Students should cooperate with God by abstaining from all food which will tax the physical powers and becloud the mental faculties.-- Letter 34, 1900, pp. 2, 3. (To Brethren and Sisters in Australia, Feb. 24, 1900.) {11MR 163.3} |
Care in the Handling of School Money -- Who is your bookkeeper? Who is your treasurer? Who is your business manager? Are they careful and competent? Look to this. It is possible for thousands of dollars to be misappropriated, apparently without anyone understanding how, and the school be losing continually. Those in charge may feel this keenly, supposing they have done their best. But why do debts accumulate? Let those in charge of a school find out each month the true financial standing of the school.-- Letter 187, 1903, p. 9. (To W. C. White, August 17, 1903.) {11MR 163.4} |
Do Not Sell School Land; Raise Crops on It -- Instruction was given me that a mistake was being made in selling so much of the school land. The land should have been kept by the school, to be utilized in raising crops that would have done much to sustain the school. I have said that if some of the land that was sold could be purchased back, it would be well.-- Letter 61, 1905, p. 1. (To A. J. Breed, Feb. 5, 1905.) {11MR 164.1} |
Build More, Smaller Schools -- I am very glad that you and many others are seeking earnestly to establish schools for our youth. Let not the buildings erected be large, but plan for smaller schools in several places. Fewer students in each school will be more favorable to its proper management to the one end that in the school here below they shall learn the meaning of obedience to the Lord's requirements. . . . {11MR 164.2} |
Distance of Schools to Cities -- The Lord has designated that distance from the cities affords the most favorable situation for our institutions. You ask if 25 miles is far enough from the city to establish a school. I think it is; and if nearer places can be found where there is good land for cultivation, let it be nearer. But if such places are not obtainable, let not the distance of a few miles be a hindrance to the establishment of the school.-- Letter 156, 1906, pp. 2, 3. (To N. D. Faulkhead, May 29, 1906.) {11MR 164.3} |
Madison School to Be Helped -- The Madison School needs our help just as truly as help was needed for the sanitarium. The brethren connected with that school have done an excellent work. In their efforts to combine manual labor with other school work, all have gained a valuable experience. The Lord has not been pleased with your indifference toward the school. {11MR 165.1} |
The Madison School is in the very place to which we were directed by the Lord, in order that it might have an influence, and make a right impression upon the people.-- Letter 156, 1907, p. 2. (To J. A. Washburn, April 18, 1907.) {11MR 165.2} |
SDA Schools and Degrees -- In view of all this, our schools should have little to say now of "degrees," and of long courses of study. The work of preparation for the service of God is to be done speedily. Let the work be carried forward in strictly Bible lines. Let every soul remember that the judgments of God are in the land. Let "degrees" be little spoken of.-- Letter 382, 1908, p. 4. (To G. A. Irwin, Dec. 23, 1908.) {11MR 165.3} |
Care in Establishing Self-supporting Schools -- At this time money is scarce, and very hard to obtain. There must be exercise great caution and good judgment in the establishment of self-supporting schools. If you have capabilities to do a good work as a teacher, I would encourage you to unite with others in school work.-- Letter 122, 1909, p. 1. (To Brother Spaulding, August 13, 1909.) {11MR 165.4} |
Areas of Special Instruction in SDA Schools -- Thorough instruction will be given in Bible Study, physiology, the history of our message; and special instruction will be given regarding the cultivation of the land. It is hoped that many of these students will eventually connect with schools in various places in the South. In connection with these schools there will be land that will be cultivated by teachers and students, and the proceeds from this work will be used for the support of the schools.-- Letters 215, 1904, p. 10. (To Miss M. A. Davis, June 30, 1904.) {11MR 166.1} |
Care in Selection of Textbooks for SDA Schools -- Certain books which have been brought into our schools as textbooks, because teachers deemed these essential to a complete education, are to be exchanged for those books that will educate the students in lines that will fit them to graduate to the higher school of the courts above, where Christ will lead His people and instruct them in a deeper knowledge of His Word.-- Letter 28, 1909, p. 4. (To Anna Rasmussen, Jan. 15, 1909.) {11MR 166.2} |
Sanitariums and Schools to Be Located Near Each Other -- I wish to speak of some things presented before me concerning the establishment of the school and the sanitarium that is to be established near Nashville [Madison institutions]. Careful attention is to be given to the advantage that may be gained in locating these institutions near each other. In regard to the institutions to be established in Takoma Park [Washington Adventist Hospital and Columbia Union College], I was shown that the Lord would certainly be honored were these institutions placed near enough one another to be a help and a blessing to one another.{11MR 166.3} |
The students who will attend the Nashville school will be helpful to the sanitarium, and the sanitarium will be a blessing to the school. . . . {11MR 167.1} On the school farm the patients will have abundance of room in which to roam about in the open air. The beauty of the scenery will attract them, and the truth will take hold upon their minds. {11MR 167.2} |
Let these two lines of work be carried on in close proximity with each other, yet as far distant from each other as the judgment and wisdom of those in charge shall determine. One institution will give influence and strength to the other. Money will be saved, for both institutions can share the advantages that they will both need.-- Letter 369, 1904, pp. 1, 2. (To Brethren Hayward and Hansen, Sept. 21, 1904.) {11MR 167.3} |
Physical Work Combined With Book Study -- There has been some delay in getting the title to the Buena Vista property [Sonoma, California]. We are looking forward to having the matter settled soon. This is an excellent site for a school. As soon as I saw it, I was sure that it would make an ideal place for the carrying on of our educational work, for we can combine physical work on the farm with the study of books. Here the students can be taught to build and to engage in many useful lines of labor, as the students at Madison are being taught to do. There should also be sanitarium facilities in connection with the school, for I have been shown that where we have a training school we should have a sanitarium where the students can receive instruction in caring for the sick and suffering.-- Letter 18, 1909, p. 2. (To J. E. White and wife, Jan. 13, 1909.) {11MR 167.4} |
Establish Sanitariums in Connection With Training Schools -- Health institutions will need to be established in many places. And in this work we are to remember that it is well to establish small sanitariums in connection with our training schools.-- Letter 390, 1907, p. 4. (To G. I. Butler, Nov. 29, 1907.) {11MR 168.1} |
Cautions Regarding the Establishment of SDA Schools -- I have been warned that the teachers in our younger schools should not travel over the same ground that many of the teachers in the Battle Creek College have traveled over. Popular amusements for the students were brought into Battle Creek school under a deceptive garb. . . . {11MR 168.2} |
The Lord has thought it essential to give reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness on many points regarding the management of schools among Seventh-day Adventists. All the light that has thus been given must be carefully heeded. No one should be connected with our schools as a teacher who has not had an experience in obeying the Word of God. The instruction which the Lord has given our schools should be strictly regarded, and if the education given is not of a different character from that which has been given at the Battle Creek College, we need not go to the expense of purchasing land and erecting buildings. . . . {11MR 168.3} |
The students coming to our schools have had an abundance of amusement which serves merely to please and gratify self. They are now to be given a different kind of education, that they may go forth from the school prepared for any service.-- Ms. 172, 1898, pp. 1-3. ("The Character and Work of Avondale School," Dec. 20, 1898.) |
White Estate Wash. D. C., Aug. 22, 1981 {11MR 168.4} |
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