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Answering EGW Critics
Responding to critics

Answering EGW critics and anti Ellen White websites

Anyone who has searched the internet for information about Ellen G. White has come accross the many websites that are critical about her and her writings and about the Seventh-day Adventist church.
We do not intend to promote these sites by even mentioning them by name,
instead we will give a list of websites that present a voice of reason because they answer the critics and detractors and expose the lies that are being presented as truth.
Besides this website we suggest the following
Issues Addressed by the Ellen White Estate
Issues Addressed by “The Truth About Ellen White” Website
Issues Addressed by the Adventist Defense League   ( New )
Issues Addressed by Dr. Jud Lake (EllenWhiteAnswers.com)
Issues Addressed by Herbert Douglass Part 1 
Part 2     Part 3     Part 4
Issues Addressed by Bob Pickle/Pickle Publishing
 More from Pickle Publishing

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