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GC Session reolution about Scripture


    RECOMMENDED, To approve the Resolution on the Holy Bible, which reads as follows:

                                        RESOLUTION ON THE HOLY BIBLE

  As delegates to the 2010 General Conference Session in Atlanta, Georgia, we reaffirm confidence in the divine revelation and inspiration of the Bible, its authority in the life of the Church and of each believer, and its foundational role for faith, doctrine and conduct. The Bible conveys to us a message of salvation in the context of a cosmic conflict that reveals God’s loving, merciful, and righteous character.

  The Bible presents Christ as the most sublime revelation of God’s love, as the Incarnate God, as the One who offered Himself as an atoning sacrifice, bearing our sins in order to reconcile us to God; He is presented to us as our only Mediator before the Father in the heavenly sanctuary. The Bible presents Jesus as the only reliable source of hope for the human race; a hope grounded in the pattern of His life, in the redemptive work of His ministry, in His death on the cross, in His resurrection from the grave, and in His soon return in glory.

  The hope and message found in the Bible transcends times and cultures and satisfies the deepest needs of the human heart. In it the Church, as God’s end-time people, finds the good news that is to be proclaimed to all peoples and cultures in the fulfillment of God’s mission. The Bible’s message came to us through the work of the Holy Spirit whose guidance and illumination are necessary to understand it properly.

  Since through the power and person of the Holy Spirit the Bible can transform us and develop Christ-like character, we, the delegates of the General Conference in Session, call Seventh-day Adventist believers and fellow Christians everywhere to make the Bible their daily source for personal study. Let Bible study be accompanied by prayer and praise; let it be an open book in our homes to which we listen daily and an open book in our worship places where we collectively seek God’s Word. Let the power of the Bible shape personal life and relationships and empower a witness that points the whole world to the glorious return of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ!

Source:   http://news.adventist.org/images/bible%20resolution.pdf

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