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The Great Hope - new edition Great Controversy

This is the Time to Read The Great Controversy

by J. Alfred Johnson II, director, Adult Ministries Department



Before we begin to circulate copies of The Great Hope to others, we are urging everyone to prayerfully read the complete version of The Great Controversy. We all need to become acquainted (or reacquainted) with it so we can be prepared to answer questions from people who receive The Great Hope (the abridged version of The Great Controversy).
 Many of our members have never read it. We all need its message as much as our neighbors and friends. While reading, ask the Lord to lead you to people who will be the most receptive to receiving The Great Hope. This very important "get-acquainted" phase of The Great Hope Project is scheduled to last through May. Ask for the leading and grace of the Lord as you study.

Our goal is to distribute three million copies of The Great Hope throughout the North American Division during the months of June through December. But we are not suggesting that this goal is to be met by massive mailings. God and our money and efforts will be much better served through a relational distribution to family, friends and acquaintances. After reading The Great Controversy we will be better prepared to talk with friends and family about any questions they might have after we have personally given them a copy of The Great Hope.       
A note for the reader of this book
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