Faith is an active working power
Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
Faith is an active working power |
There can be no true prayer without true faith. "Without faith it is impossible to please him" (Heb. 11:6). Prayer and faith are the arms by which the soul hangs upon the neck of infinite love, and grasps the hand of infinite power. God does not recognize dumb children, as far as experience in His truth is concerned. Faith is an active, working power. The newborn faith in Christ is revealed by prayer and praise. Prayer is a relief and a comfort to the troubled soul. The sincere, humble suppliant at the throne of grace may know that he is communing with God, through the divinely appointed means, and that it is his privilege to understand what God is to the believing soul. We must have a realization of our needs. We must hunger and thirst after life in Christ and through Christ. Then we shall come to Him in humility and sincerity, and He will give us the faith that works by love and purifies the soul. . . . {TDG 315.1} |
There can be no true prayer without true faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Prayer and faith are the arms by which the soul hangs upon the neck of infinite love, and grasps the hand of infinite power. God does not recognize dumb children, as far as experience in His truth is concerned. Faith is an active, working power. The new-born faith in Christ is revealed by prayer and praise. Prayer is a relief and a comfort to the troubled soul. The sincere, humble suppliant at the throne of grace may know that he is communing with God, through the divinely-appointed means, and that it is his privilege to understand what God is to the believing soul. We must have a realization of our needs. We must hunger and thirst after life in Christ and through Christ. Then we shall come to Him in humility and sincerity, and He will give us the faith that works by love and purifies the soul. {BTS, January 1, 1905 par. 1} |
Faith is an active working agency |
As line upon line and precept upon precept of the divine Word are opened before you, take heed how you hear. If the principles of our faith are accepted, new impressions will be made, new lines of work will be seen in our practise. If we give to the searching of the Scriptures a divided heart, we shall received superficial impressions, which will quickly pass away. If we listen to the Word without giving it entrance to the heart, we shall be classed among the forgetful hearers. Only he remembers to do God's will who makes a decided confession of faith, showing to all that his faith is an active, working agency,--a faith that works by love and purifies the soul. {YI, September 1, 1898 par. 7} |