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Phrase - Dairy / Dairy Products
Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
I cannot see but that you are trying your best to live out the principles of health reform. Study economy in everything, but do not withhold from the diet food which the system needs. With regard to the nut foods, there are many who cannot eat them. If your husband enjoys dairy butter, let him eat it until he is convinced that this is not best for his health.  {CD 352.2}
I cannot see but that you are trying your best to live out the principles of health reform. Study economy in everything, but do not withhold from the diet the food which the system needs. With regard to the nut foods, there are many who cannot eat them. If your husband enjoys dairy butter, let him eat it until he is convinced that this is not best for his health.  {21MR 135.1}
A stone winery on the place was currently being used as a cow shed for a large dairy (S. N. Haskell to EGW, Aug. 13, 1908).  {6BIO 178.3}
Related Words and Phrases:   Milk  -  Butter  -  Cheese
Dairy  Products

Ellen White, who with W. C. White had led out in founding the college in 1882, was deeply interested in its welfare. About the time the college opened she bought a home a few blocks distant and made Healdsburg her headquarters. Since returning from Australia, she often visited the school, spoke to the students and faculty, and watched with interest the welfare of the institution. With the successful starting of the Avondale school in Australia in a country location, both Ellen White and conference constituency thought in terms of moving the college away from a crowded town to a place where the students would have "more opportunity to engage in agriculture, carpentering, and other lines of manual work" (Letter 141, 1904). At the California Conference session held in February, 1908, a comprehensive resolution was passed calling for the disposal of the school properties in Healdsburg and establishing "an industrial college"" in the country that would provide work for students and "furnish at least the agricultural and dairy products necessary for the college home" (PUR, Feb. 27, 1908). The Educational Society, which carried legal control, took official action to this effect three weeks later on March 19.  {6BIO 176.3}


After Ellen mentioned by name the wife of one of the ministers who was not adhering to health reform in cooking and advised others not to look to her as an example, she entered into a further discussion of eggs and dairy products:  {2BIO 303.6}

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