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Abbreviation Key to EGW writings
Codes and Abbreviations to the Writings of Ellen G. White
AA Acts of the Apostles
AH Adventist Home
1BC Bible Commentary  (2BC ect. for Volume 2 on)
CC Conflict and Courage,  (1970)
CCh Counsels for the Church  (published in 1991)
CD Counsels on Diet and Foods
CG Child Guidance
CH Counsels on Health
COL Christ's Object Lessons
CL Country Living
CS Counsels on Stewardship
CSW Counsels on Sabbath School Work
CT Counsels to Parents, Teachers & Students
CTBH Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene
CW Counsels to Writers and Editors
DA Desire of Ages
Ed Education
Ev Evangelism
EW Early Writings
FE Fundamentals of Christian Education
FLB Faith I Live By
FW Faith and Works
GC Great Controversy
GCB General Conference Bulletin
GW Gospel Workers
HC Our High Calling
HS Historical Sketches
IHP In Heavenly Places
KH That I May Know Him
Letter Ellen G. White Letter (numbered)
LDE Last Day Events
LS Life Sketches
MB Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing
MH Mnistry of Healing
MLT  or  ML My Life Today
MS Ellen G. White Manuscript (21 Volumes)
MYP Messages to Young People
PH Phamphlets  ( PH001 to PH188 )
PK Prophets and Kings
PP Patriarchs and Prophets
RB Revival and Beyond
RH Review and Herald
SC Steps to Christ
SD Sons and Daughters of God
SG Spiritual Gifts (4 volumes); 1SG, 2SG, 3SG, 4SG
SL Sanctified Life, The
SM Selected Messages (3 Volumes) 1SM, 2SM. 3SM
SP Spirit of Prophecy (4 Volumes) 1SP, 2SP, 3SP, 4SP
SR Story of Redemption
ST Signs of the Times
Sufferings - - Sufferings of Christ, The
SW Southern Watchmen (aka Southern Work)
1T Testimonies for the Church (9 Volumes) 1T, 2T  →  9T
Te Temperance
TM Testimonies to Ministers & Gospel Workers
WM Welfare Ministry
YI Youth's Instructor, The
UL Upward Look
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